• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy & Daniel

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[UK] Training for Battle!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: ACP Battle Training”– Good evening ACP! On Thursday, May 25, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a training session. We met up in the Town before moving to the Ice Berg. In the Town we did a few tactics while in a horizontal line formation, including some emotes and word tactics, including “TRAINING TO BE THE BEST, ACP BEATS THE REST.”

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How To Easily Take Event Pictures on CPAB

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Now that ACP exclusively hosts events on Club Penguin Army Battleground, it is time for an updated event pictures guide. This will include a super easy method to take perfectly cropped event pictures. The first part of the post will talk about how to take event photos, with the second part going into detail on how to make sure it’s the perfect event picture. Note that this method is only for desktop and does not work for mobile devices and tablets.

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Why We Will Win The AUSIA Arena This Year

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – As the AUSIA Arena tournament approaches, this post will highlight why the Army of Club Penguin will win this year’s AUSIA Arena. As stated in Coolguy’s post, the Army of Club Penguin has consistently dominated statistically ever since March Madness ended. We intend to win the AUSIA Arena, and the Higher Commanders and Moderators will tell you why.

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[AUSIA] Clovers Battle HF – Results!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Battle: ACP vs. Help Force” — Good morning ACP! On Saturday, April 29, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a practice battle with our brother allies, Help Force! We met up in the Town before switching to the Iceberg.

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CPLegacy Secrets: Clothing Catalog (April-May 2023)

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Club Penguin Legacy has released the latest Penguin Style. Join us to discover all of the clothing catalog’s hidden secrets.

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[USA] AA Training: Fast Room Changes

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Hardcore Training: Quick Room Changes”– Good evening ACP! Today on Thursday, April 27, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to practice switching rooms quickly in preparation for the AUSIA Arena Tournament beginning next week and invade Duatopia! Troops logged on to the Town before switching to the Iceberg. There we did some tactics and formations (like we’ve been practicing all week) before diving into our event.

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[USA] Quest for Number One!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Unscheduled Event”– Good evening ACP! On Saturday, April 22 (aka Earth Day), our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an unscheduled event! We heard through the grapevine that ACP would clinch number one if we maxed 35 online today! Just a few hours before the event, DMs started letting troops know about the upcoming event, and we started logging on in the Town one hour before. After much work DM-ing and mentioning troops, we hit 36 troops online! 41 people logged on for ACP, and we appreciate folks taking time out of their weekend to help us.

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[UK] Coolguy Inducted as UK Commander!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “UK Commander Induction: Coolguy”– Good evening ACP! On Friday, April 21, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to officially induct Coolguy as our UK Division Commander and invade Lard! We met in the Town and waited for troops to log on before moving to the Forest.

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ACP Weekly Recap #7 — [10–17 April, 2023]

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Hey there, ACP! It’s time for another weekly recap with me, MaddieCW3! Read on to find out more.

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[Victory] The Muddy Marathon War is Over!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

The war against DV has officially ended, resulting in an ACP victory with a war score of 8-0-0.

Due to the repeated lack of interest shown by DV to actually put effort into this war and show up for more than just 1 battle a week, we have ruled that this war has concluded due to the opposition failing to defend themselves. If DV wants a real war in the future, they can meet us on the CPA map. Otherwise, this conflict is settled.

On Thursday, March 30th, 2023, in response to DV’s repeated targeted harassment of our troops and staff, coordinated raids of our events and tournament matches, and other incidents, the Army of Club Penguin declared war against the Dark Vikings, following a barrage of animosity, trash-talking, and allegations against the army.

You can read the entire Declaration of War post here.

The war began with an AUSIA invasion of Delta on Friday, March 31st, where we peaked at 26 troops and were deemed victorious in our invasion due to the Dark Vikings being absent from the battle.

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