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[US] Its sleddin’ time

Date: Tuesday, January 14th

Times: 1am UK | 5pm PST | 6pm MST | 7pm CST | 8pm EST | 6:30am IST | 9am Phillipines | 10am JST | 12pm AEDT

Nitro giveaway: 40+ troops online!

🍀 6 clovers for all attendees, more if we hit our goal! 🍀

[AUSIA] Puffle Grumble

Date: Thursday, January 16th

Times: 1pm UK | 5am PST | 6am MST | 7am CST | 8am EST | 6:30pm IST | 9pm Phillipines | 10pm JST | 12am AEDT

Nitro giveaway: 40+ troops online!

🍀 6 clovers for all attendees, more if we hit our goal! 🍀

[US] Delta Resurgence

Date: Saturday, January 18th

Times: 1am UK | 5pm PST | 6pm MST | 7pm CST | 8pm EST | 6:30am IST | 9am Phillipines | 10am JST | 12pm AEDT

Nitro giveaway: 40+ troops online!

🍀 8 clovers for all attendees, more if we hit our goal! 🍀

[UK] How to Tame Your Snake

Date: Monday, January 20th

Times: 8pm UK | 12pm PST | 1pm MST | 2pm CST | 3pm EST | 1:30am IST | 4am Phillipines | 5am JST | 7am AEDT

Nitro giveaway: 40+ troops online!

🍀 6 clovers for all attendees, more if we hit our goal! 🍀

[CPJourney Secrets] The Costume Trunk: Fairy Fables

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ¡Saludos, ACP! In this post I’ll present to you the secrets in Costume Trunk for the most recent Stage play: Fairy Fables! Keep reading to find out where they’re hidden.

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[URGENT] Declaration on Help Force- Brotherly Love War

The Army of Club Penguin hereby declares war on the Help Force

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, PET SHOP  Good evening ACP! On Thursday, January 16th our AUSIA division logged onto CPABattleground on the server KLONDIKE for a fun event alongside with our Puffles! Played a quick map game for 4 rounds and for our main minigame event tonight, we played Drophopper!! (hello, editor here, i tricked hana into thinking hydro hopper was called drophopper lol go and laugh at her in chat) Daniel20448 and Soringel easily won the minigame with a score of 2773 and 1852. Thank you to everyone who attended this pufflefect event!

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ACP Weekly Recap #48 [January 6th, 2025 – January 12th, 2025]

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Heya, ACP! It’s time for this week’s recap! This week was filled with fun events! So here’s our week in short. Make sure to go through this post, if you want to know what happened!

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[US] Sledding in CPJ

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, IT’S SLEDDIN’ TIME — Good morning ACP! On Tuesday, January 14th our US division logged into CPJourney on the server BLIZZARD for a fun game event! The event took place in Ski Village wearing adorable Pink and Green Racing Sleds. Thank you to everyone who attended this event! Congratulations to Ship as well on winning the intense Sled Racing tournament!

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CPJourney Cheats: Milkshake Pin Tracker

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ¡Saludos, ACP! Club Penguin Journey recently released their newest pin to the island! Check the post below for its location.


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Happy Birthday Roxy!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin & especially Roxy

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Today’s post is something different, something special, it’s Roxy’s birthday. Roxy is one of the most strong and hardworking people that ACP knows, so of course we had to prepare something for her. Despite us not having much time to come up with an actual plan, we wanted to make it special, for Roxy.

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[AUSIA] Troop U-Lead!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Troop U-Lead – Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Sunday, January 12th our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for once again another Troop U-Lead, overall. This event went amazing bigggg thanks to Jazz, Rinihiyo and Ame for Leading! And Congratulations to Amelia on her promo to HCOM! Well deservedd. Appreciate it to all troops who participated in yesterday’s event, hope to see you guys more in the future!! 🍾

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get some land first

a message to the doritos of club penguin 😠

Response from the Army of Club Penguin:

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What would ACP do during an apocalypse?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Pleased to welcome you back to our Shamrock Bulletin! Alike with yesterday’s post, we’ll be doing something different. If an apocalypse were to happen, what would ACP do?

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