Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!
BLIZZARD, SB Headquarters – We are pleased to announce that Shamrock Bulletin will officially host the 3rd addition of the Double Deck the Halls, scheduled on November 23rd!
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Good afternoon, ACP! Hopefully everyone is doing well today! It has come to our attention that Club Penguin Journey has released another new pin this week, The Carabiner Pin, and with that, we have all the answers on how to find it!
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Greetings, ACP! In this post, we will cover the released Halloween themed clothing catalog of the months October & November. Make sure to stay till the end to find the hidden items!
ABRACADABRA, Operation: Delhi Belly Invasion – Good evening ACP! Today, Thursday, October 17, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Abracadabra for an invasion of Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament against our brother ally Help Force. Unfortunately, they didn’t show up at the battle, but it’s okay, as hopefully, they will show up next time for a good fight. During our first room (Forest), we successfully did a lot of tactics and formations such as X formation, double V formation, and trident formation. After 10 minutes passed, we switched to the second room which was the Stadium and during that particular room, we did tactics and formations such as 4 line formation, anchor formation & arrow formation which was successful. Luckily, we managed to invade the land of Abracadabra thanks to every ACP troop who attended, big shoutout. Make sure to check out the event pictures below!
BATTLEGROUND, Operation: OG Alpha vs. Echo Event – Good evening ACP! Yesterday on Friday, September 27, our USAdivision logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground for a branch battle between Team Alpha and Team Echo. However, we decided to make it like the old days by using Xat chat room which was clearly chaotic for some troops, but such is life. Now, the first room of the branch battle started at the Stadium as both teams did well, however Team Alpha won room one. Once it was time for a room swap, they switched to Snow Forts as their second room of the branch battle in which again Team Alpha won. And finally, for the last room of the branch battle, they went to the Forest for a good fight whilst ending this amazing old-school version of Alpha vs. Echo event, even though Team Alpha won room three. Congratulations to Alpha for winning the branch battle and thank you to Echo for showing up. I’d also like to give a big shoutout to every ACP troop for attending the OG Alpha vs. Echo event, regardless of what branch team they are a part of. Don’t forget to check out the event pictures below!
MAMMOTH, Capital– Who would’ve known 18 years ago that a small project would continue to strive with new generations to come to this day? After a fabulous year, this week we celebrate our 18th anniversary since the spark of this mighty army, the Army of Club Penguin.
BLIZZARD, ACP Green Puffle Balloons Takeover – Good afternoon ACP! Today, on Tuesday, September 17th, our UKdivision logged onto CP Journey in Blizzard (5-bar server) for a green puffle balloon party. Before the event started, we linked up at the Cove with our lovely green puffle balloons and told other penguins to grab the balloons as well, in which they did. Once the event had begun, we started by forming a plus formation whilst sending emote/word tactics. Then we switched to upside-down V formation which was quite difficult due to the balloons that we were holding in our hands, but that’s okay as we shall improve next time. When we finished practicing with tactics and formations, we decided to raid several igloos so that whoever owned the igloo would obtain their stamp. After that, we switched rooms to the Night Club for more party stamps in which we obtained, except for Roxy (better luck next time). It’s been a fun party as we had many penguins holding their green puffle balloons and I’d also like to give another BIG shoutout to every ACP troop who attended the takeover of green puffle balloons. Make sure to check out the event pictures below!
BLIZZARD, Operation: Pizza Takeover – Good morning ACP! Today on Friday, September 13th, our AUSIAdivision logged onto CP Journey in Blizzard(5-bar server) for a pizza party. The clovers were hungry and had not eaten anything for days until one clover troop said, and I quote “Let us eat some pizzas until we touch the food coma!” And so they did, the clovers started to eat some pizzas, invading The Plaza (our room) afterward. Whilst they were eating their pizzas, and having fun at the same time, the clovers also did quite well with the tactics and formations throughout, despite almost being in a food coma. Eventually, they entered The Pizza Parlor (our second room) for some stamps and fortunately, the majority of them had received the “Happy Customers” stamp. Now, in order to obtain this stamp you would need 5 customers to use the laughing face/big smile emote aka E1 when they receive their order in one session. I’d also like to give a big shoutout to every ACP troop for attending the pizza takeover event, as none of this would’ve occurred if it weren’t for you, comrades. Make sure to check out the event pictures below!
BATTLEGROUND, Operation: Beach Party – Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Thursday, September 12th, our AUSIAdivision logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground for a beach-themed party. We entered the Town, which was our first room, and started the event by practicing tactics & formations such as upside down V formation and anchor formation, which was a success. When it was time for us to switch rooms, we went to the Beach (second room) and formed a V formation whilst doing emote/word tactics, which again was a success. Once we finished practicing our tactics/formations, we formed a circle formation and whenever the leaders called our name, we would come to the center and show off our outfits. Everyone had lovely outfits, hence why the title is called “Army of Beach Club Fashion”. Big shoutout to every ACP troop for their drip and for attending the beach party event. Be sure to check out the event pictures below!
BLIZZARD, Operation: Fat Chicken Infestation – Good afternoon ACP! On Tuesday, September 10th, our UKdivision logged onto CP Journey in Blizzard (5-bar server) for a chicken costume event. The clovers basically decided to invade Inside Mine (our room), whilst wearing the fat chicken costume, which resulted in the beginning of their fun chicken party. Once they started doing emote/word tactics, and different formations afterward, more penguins seemed fascinated about it, and started to participate in our chicken party by wearing the chicken costume too. They also successfully obtained the “Happy Room stamp” since there were definitely more than 10 penguins in the same room, using the “smile” or “laugh” emote aka E1/E2. The fat chickens had lots of fun, and since they were chickens, they surprisingly did decent tactics & formations throughout. I’d also like to give a big shoutout to every ACP chicken troop who attended the party of FAT chickens, make sure to check out the event pictures below!