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Response to Dark Vikings’ Declaration of War

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin


MAMMOTH, Capital — Soldiers of the Army of Club Penguin, recently we waged war upon the Dark Vikings, having dropped our declaration post nearly three weeks ago, exposing them for all their wrongdoings. More recently, DV finally issued a response meant to “discredit” our claims.

Regarding DV’s response which can be found here, they claim to have seen little evidence regarding our accusations posed against them. We have provided sufficient evidence within our war declaration, which can be found here. If the Vikings’ leaders did, in fact, read it, we’d suggest they look over it again with their eyes open this time. Although, we don’t hold our breath when it comes to their reading capabilities, nor their acknowledgement of their own wrongdoings.

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War On Dark Vikings: AUSIA Blitz”– Good afternoon ACP! Today on Friday, April 15, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in BATTLEGROUND for yet another Dark Vikings no sho- wait. Hang on just a second. I’m getting word they actually attended this battle! Congratulations Dark Vikings! Shaking in our boots, we logged on and met up at the Town, then swiftly moved to the Stadium for room one to start the battle. The battle concluded with the judges ruling our battle a 2-0-1 Victory with 23 troops online!

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Dark Vikings War Propaganda

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ATTENTION SOLDIERS! As our war with the Cowardly Vikings continues to drag on, we are excited to bring you this exclusive coverage of your average Dark Vikings troop! Soak up as much info as you can on our enemy below and use it to drive your motivation in our efforts to crush DV.

This post was brought to you by ACP SIS

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[UK] Dark Vikings got SICK with Cowardice

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: Royal Conquest”– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Friday, April 14, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for another battle with the Dark Vikings, to which they did not show up again. Regardless, we logged on to the Town and soon moved to the Docks.

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[USA] Dark Vikings No Show AGAIN

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: USA Search & Destroy”– Good evening ACP! On Thursday, April 13, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for another battle with the Dark Vikings, which they no-showed again. Regardless, troops met up in the Town and quickly moved to the Forest.

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ACP Weekly Recap #6 — [3–9 April, 2023]

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Hey there, ACP! It’s time for another weekly recap with me, MaddieCW3! Read on to find out more.

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ACP Weekly Recap #5 — [26 March–2 April, 2023]

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Hey there, ACP! It’s time for another weekly recap with me, MaddieCW3! Read on to find out more.

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Battle: ACP vs People’s Imperial Confederation”– Good morning ACP! Today on Thursday, April 6th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a practice battle with our allies, the People’s Imperial Confederation! Troops met up in the Town whilst the event was delayed for ten minutes, but we soon moved to the Snow Forts to begin our battle.

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Drawing Challenge Break Day Event 04/03/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Good morning ACP. On Monday, April 3rd, nine of our troops joined VC for a Drawing Challenge! Hosted by your moderators DeeP and mcdonalds, the Drawing Challenge consisted of the hosts giving the contestants prompts, and having them draw whatever comes to mind. The contestants could either re-draw the prompt (if given an image for the prompt), or come up with a completely new creation.

Down below are the prompts we used, as well as the drawings our contestants made for their respective prompt (Click on the images to view their full size, and let our contestants know how well they did!):

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Local Army Leader Robs Bank

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Shocking news shook the Club Penguin Army Community recently. Calgo, the leader of ACP and a local accountant, is known for his prolific Nitro and Robux giveaways, and ACP troops appreciate his good will. He also funded our brother ally Help Force‘s website in their time of need. However, no one knows where Calgo‘s source of income comes from, until now.

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