• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy

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[AUSIA] The Legend of Cubone Solved in Pokémon Extravaganza

ASCENT, ‘The Legend of Cubone’ – Today the Clover Empire logged onto the server Ascent for a Pokemon themed event dedicated to Cubone. Instead of donning the Roman Helmets, the army wore the Prehistoric Skull head item and traveled around three different rooms; the Town, Stadium and Snow Forts. Lots of fun was had also!

Max: 23

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Events of the Week(18th-24th of September)

Important Posts to Read:

US/UK Practice Battle vs AR results


It’s been a wild ride up to this point in time hasn’t it? The summer’s fluctuations and different events, etc. Breaching a solid 30+ at some points, getting that exhilarating rush from being in awe of what we can do if we work together efficiently. This past week was a hard one considering how many people went back to school, some having more chaotic schedules than others and what not. We are now past one of the biggest parts in the Fall Drop for this community.

Now is the time to utilize that spare time you find to do simple but crucial things-such as recruiting and attending events. In reality, it doesn’t take much brain power to log on and do some tactics real quick or use whatever method you use to recruit for a little. If I can tell you this, then it’s sure as heck possible. Now that we are past the first few weeks of school for most people, it’s easier to do other things now that we have adjusted. It’s time to give ACP a true rise this week.

If we do well this week and people end up putting in a lot of effort(which isn’t actually hard to do), awards such as temp ranks on chat, memberships(since I heard people wishing they had one before), promotions, private parties, etc. will be commonplace, which is something I think everyone would like to see happen. Let’s get the ball rolling aye?

Everyone has the potential to make their mark and contribute a great deal. Make sure to embrace this fact.


Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!

Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!


❗ Today’s Events ❗


Events for the Week 12th September – 18th September

❗ Today’s Events ❗

❗ UK Tactic Session ❗

When: 15th September 2016

Server: Breeze


9:00 pm GMT

4:00 pm EST

3:00 pm CST

2:00 pm MST

1:00 pm PST

❗ US Mining Expedition ❗

When: September the 15th

Server: TBA (To Be Announced)


8:00 pm EST

7:00 pm CST

6:00 pm MST

5:00 pm PST

1:00 am GMT


UK Defence of Iceland [Defeat]

Greetings, ACP. Despite not realising RPF were invading us till two hours before the invasion (wow, I know) we managed to get seventeen people on Iceland to meet RPF although we lost we stayed on till :30 to give RPF a battle. Carry on reading for pictures of the defence.

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US Train on Cabin

Important Posts to Read:

August Promotions

10 Years of Leaders #Shab

Events for the Week

Greetings, ACP. US had their first successfully event in a while when they logged on Cabin for an unscheduled training session ; we maxed eleven in this event with decent tactics. In the next upcoming days, US will be looking to improve on this so make sure you’re there to help the US division rise again! Carry on reading for pictures. 

2nd september us 9

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UK Mining Expedition on Ice Berg

Important Posts to Read:

Events for the Week

August Promotions

New AUSIA Leader

Greetings, ACP. Today, UK had it’s first event of September which consisted of logging on Ice Berg for a Mining Expedition. We maxed 15  in this event. Carry on reading for pictures of the event. P.S Can you believe ACP is turning 10 this month? 😮 

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New Ausia Leader

Hello ACP, I am Ronnoc91, your new AUSIAleader. I know currently that our AUSIA division is terrible but I hope to make our AUSIA the best in CPA. That is going to take work and time and I plan on putting in maximum effort to do so. I am also going to need the help of all of you to make this work. Lets go ACP!

-Ronnoc91 ACP Ausia Leader


Getting to Know Your Troops: Episode ok2j32j0t0430jt05054 *keyboard barf*

Important Posts to Read:

Defence of Cozy time

Events for the Week

Hi ACP! It’s your Lord Almighty coming down here to give you another marvelous interview! But who you might ask, well, let’s find out!

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US War Training featuring bots©

Important Posts to Read:

Important Defence of Cozy time

Event schedule

Ahmed’s birthday party times

Hey ACP! Today we went on breeze for a war training. We did a lot of nice tactics like food bombs and waterfalls. We maxed 13 and averaged 11. Some bots raided us while we were in the plaza but they won’t bot us next time! Pictures are from edwin.

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[UK] War Training ft. Bots

Important Posts to Read:

Events for the Week

Important Defence times

Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, we logged on Breeze, Town, to have a war training session which ended up in us fighting more bots as practice. We maxed fifteen in this event, carry on reading for pictures and comment if you attended.

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