[UK] Friendly practice against secret service

Abominable, “Practice Battle with secret service” – Hey there ACP! Today, The clovers UK division logged onto CPrewritten for our friendly practice battle against secret service. We reached a maximum size of 28 penguins, and had lots of fun together, After the practice battle was over, We hosted a scavenger hunt where you had to find certain items in the game, Congratulations to Stevos for winning the scavenger hunt and everyone who participated. Thank you to everyone who attended the event!

Max: 28

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Looking to chat with ACP? NEW DISCORD (click): START HERE


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New Ausia Leader

Hello ACP, I am Ronnoc91, your new AUSIAleader. I know currently that our AUSIA division is terrible but I hope to make our AUSIA the best in CPA. That is going to take work and time and I plan on putting in maximum effort to do so. I am also going to need the help of all of you to make this work. Lets go ACP!

-Ronnoc91 ACP Ausia Leader


Project: Make ACP Great Again – Is A Go

The Project of making the Army of Club Penguin (ACP) great again, and more apart of the Club Penguin Community is now in process.

To Read the post for how we’re going to make ACP Great again. Go To: https://armyofclubpenguin.com/2016/07/16/becoming-more-part-of-the-clubpenguin-communityplease-read/

Or just click the “Read more” to view a copy of the post, and the new stuff that has been added in this post. PLEASE READ!!

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ACP’s Second Official Pokémon Tournament: Sign Ups and Information

Edit: You must currently be enlisted in ACP or have previously been in ACP to play in the tournament.

Greetings ACP! Yes it is that time again. Pokemon showdown tournament time!! This year is going to be better than the last. Click Continue Reading for the information!

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Join Army of Club Penguin Video 5/15/16

♣ Welcome to the OFFICIAL Army of Club Penguin ♣ Click on the word join to leave a comment, then be added to our ranks and start chatting with us; a basic guide to the army can be found here – FREE CLUB PENGUIN CODES ♣

Please subscribe to this YouTube channel! Help by commenting, liking, and sharing to spread the word.

Events for the Week 18th April – 24th April

Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!



events for the week

Today’s Events

Reclaiming Fjord

Hey! This early morning day we reclaimed Nachos Server “Fjord” once more. Nice job we got round 15+ GG. We need to get back to our old set up and get active. Nachos are trash for what they “did” to NW < anything they do wont be taken seriously. Just Stating that now.

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(ausia)Cleansing Breeze

We cleansed Breeze Today with sizes of 20. Nice job guys and keep it up.. Lets try to have a couple more events to end this week off with.

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Push Beyond

Is this what major armies are coming to? Foolish lies and trickery.

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