New Ausia Leader

Hello ACP, I am Ronnoc91, your new AUSIAleader. I know currently that our AUSIA division is terrible but I hope to make our AUSIA the best in CPA. That is going to take work and time and I plan on putting in maximum effort to do so. I am also going to need the help of all of you to make this work. Lets go ACP!

-Ronnoc91 ACP Ausia Leader


Project: Make ACP Great Again – Is A Go

The Project of making the Army of Club Penguin (ACP) great again, and more apart of the Club Penguin Community is now in process.

To Read the post for how we’re going to make ACP Great again. Go To:

Or just click the “Read more” to view a copy of the post, and the new stuff that has been added in this post. PLEASE READ!!

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ACP’s Second Official Pokémon Tournament: Sign Ups and Information

Edit: You must currently be enlisted in ACP or have previously been in ACP to play in the tournament.

Greetings ACP! Yes it is that time again. Pokemon showdown tournament time!! This year is going to be better than the last. Click Continue Reading for the information!

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UK’s First event of the year

Hey, ACP! Today, UK had their first of the year where we maxed twenty on Breeze however our tactics need work as a majority of our tactics today were poor. Continue reading for pictures of the event provided by I and Bam. 

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UK War Training on Breeze

Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today, UK logged onto Breeze for a war training session where we maxed thirteen which can be improved on. Our tactics were decent so overall a good effort today UK. Make sure to attend tomorrow’s Breeze Defence times are 8pm gmt/3pm EST. Carry on reading for pictures

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ACP Awards 2015 Part Two

Salutations, ACP

acp awards

Thanks to everyone who helped decide the nominees by voting in part one! This time, the people who have been voted, in part one, to be nominees will go into polls and then it’ll be up to you to vote for each category. Good Luck to all the nominees

You’re deadline is the 1st January 2016

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UK Unscheduled Training

Hello, ACP. Today, UK, had an unscheduled training session on Breeze where we managed to max fifteen in Town our average was around 10. Our tactics weren’t amazing which will have to be improved upon next time however above all it was a decent event. Carry on reading for pictures.

uk 23rd december 3

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UK Tactic Session on Breeze

Hello, ACP. Today, UK, logged on for a quick tactic session on Breeze where we maxed fifteen. Carry on reading for pictures by Orange.

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UK Amazing U-Lead

Greetings, ACP. Today, UK, logged onto Breeze where we had a pretty decent U-lead. We managed to max 25 which is one off what AUSIA got which seeing as our aim was to max the same as  what AUSIA did today is pretty good in my opinion. Well done to everyone who led and helped hype the event especially Flor. Carry on reading for pictures (If you pced me pictures there’s a good chance I didn’t put them on seeing as I got over forty pictures..) provided by Lewis, I, Aero, Flor, Bam and Orange.

21st december uk 11

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UK Tactic Session

Important Posts:

Greetings, ACPToday, UK, maxed seventeen! I’d just like to mention that first because it’s been a pretty long time since UK has maxed seventeen on Breeze so fabulous effort today UK! Also, thank you for Zoomey for taking over when I was  occupied with throwing up (fun times).  We logged onto Breeze as mentioned before and had a tactic session in Town. Continue reading for pictures provided by I and Elsa.

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