Getting to Know Your Troops: Episode ok2j32j0t0430jt05054 *keyboard barf*

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Defence of Cozy time

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Hi ACP! It’s your Lord Almighty coming down here to give you another marvelous interview! But who you might ask, well, let’s find out!

Our winner is Kato! He is ACP’s ambassador and is also a very good recruit! Let’s take a deeper look into the mind of Kato!



Kato will be this color:

Me, I’ll just be this color.

Now lets begin.


How old are you? 16.

What country do you currently reside in? USA.

Do you have any secret pleasures other than being in CP armies?  Not really a secret but I like baseball and football and all sports that usa are kinda good or amazing at.

Do you have any secret pleasures that you’ve never told anybody before? Nah.

Are you lying?  No.

Oh, okay then… 

What Is Your Favorite…? 

What is your favorite food? T bone with mash potatoes or fries with corn and broccoli. 

What is your favorite desert? Cookies and cream ice cream with a waffle cone.

What is your favorite subject in school?  Math. All types, except for statistical. 

Why Math? Cause, I like adding stuff up and multiplying and I rhink my future might be accounting sadly.

Who is your favorite musical artist? Deep Purple.

What is your favorite video game? Assassins Creed..

What is your favorite movie? Can’t really say…

What is your favorite T.V show? Big Bang Theory, kids shouldn’t watch it though.

What is your favorite childhood movie?  A Bugs Life.

What is your favorite childhood T.V show? Drake and Josh.

Who is your favorite actor? Blue.

What is your favorite animal? Wolf

CPArmies Questions:

Was A.C.P your first army?  No, DCP is.

Have you joined armies other than ACP and DCP? No, and I never will.

What makes ACP different than DCP?  I don;t see one other then it was open when dcp was ded. And I joined them cause it reminded me of DCP. Then DCP was reopening, so I got Mondo to ally them, and now I am the ambassador.

Who was your favorite ACP leader? Skipper or Fluffy.

What do you think of Edwin’s leadership? I think it’s good, and it’s a good partnership he and Mondo have, well…

Thanks for your time! Yw m8!

Well thanks for reading, stay cool and peace out!

2 Responses

  1. Nice post

  2. Wish ever I was interviewed…. BTW nice post! 😀

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