ACP Summer 2023 Recap

Attention to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ACP’s summer has come and gone with the end of summer already far behind us. Our army has accomplished many incredible feats over the past few months. This post will cover ACP’s Summer moments from June to August this year.

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Moment of The Month: June

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The month of June was a chaotic one for both the Army of Club Penguin and for the entire community. From the World War to the after-effects of the war, the community was shaken to its core but surprisingly many moments came out of it. Let’s get into what these moments were!

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[UK] Clovers Receive Recognition for WW9 with Medals!

BATTLEGROUND, “World War 9: Medal Ceremony”– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, June 24th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an event to recognize all our hardworking and loyal troops who aided us in our efforts of World War 9 through a medal ceremony! All troops who attended 2 or more battles for World War 9 received the World War IX Medal! Huge shoutout to Rarity & AOL on helping distribute the medals.

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The End of World War IX

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Following 32 gruelling battles taking place over the course of 10 days, World War IX has come to an end. This post marks the end of the ninth world war that’s taken place in the army community. Therefore, all hostilities between the Blue Sunset Alliance and the Sapphire Concordat have ceased.

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[AUSIA] Invasion of Subzero (EGCP Territory)

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “War on EGCP: Invasion of Subzero” – Good morning ACP! On Friday, June 9th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground, Klondike for our invasion of Subzero against the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. We are currently involved in a World War against the Blue Sunset Alliance, which consists of EGCP, the Rebel Penguin Federation, and the Water Vikings. In this battle, to reclaim what is rightfully ours, we started in the Town to rally our troops before taking on the giant that is the BSA.

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[AUSIA] Clovers Defend their 16 Years of History

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ICE BREAKER, “War on RPF: Defense of 16 Years in the Making”–  Good evening ACP! On Tuesday, June 6th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground, Ice Breaker for a hard-fought battle against the Rebel Penguin Federation and their allies, Elite Guardians and Water Vikings. We started the event in our alliance discord, the Sapphire Concordat, rallying troops from all the different armies involved. Leaders and troops alike came to our aid as we hyped and planned to be victorious on one of the busiest days of the year.

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[SPEC OPS/AUSIA] Clovers Never Sleep Battle

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “War on EGCP: Invasion of Philly”– Good evening ACP! On Tuesday, June 6th our SPEC OPS division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for a Battle against Elite Guardians of Club Penguin, at 3:45 am EST.

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[Week 2] World War 9 Schedule

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital — In our efforts to wage war in World War 9 vs. the Blue Sunset Alliance (WV, RPF, EGCP) we are moving forward into week 2 as the Sapphire Concordat Alliance (ACP, TCP, SWAT, PIC, NC) take a stand against the greedy BIA.

Below is our current War Schedule for this coming week…

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[UK] Defense Of Zeus’s Retirement Island

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ICE BREAKER, “War on WV: Defense of Zeus’s Retirement Island”– Good afternoon ACP! On Sunday, June 4th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Ice Breaker to defend our land against Water Vikings. We started out in town until the first room called us to Stadium, after 10 mins of intense battle we switched over to Inside Mine, and finally we ended on Iceberg.

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[AUSIA] Battle of the Discord Outage

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “War on RPF: Defense of Mcdonalds”– Good morning ACP! On Sunday, June 4th our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for the defense of Mcdonalds along with our fellow allies of the Sapphire Concordat in an attempt of defending Mcdonalds from RPF and the aid of the Blue Sunset Alliance. This match was riddled with controversy because incompetent judges refused to pause the battle amidst Discord experiencing a major outage.

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