[US] Clovers Taking Over Delhi Belly

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ABRACADABRA, Operation: Delhi Belly Invasion – Good evening ACP! Today, Thursday, October 17, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Abracadabra for an invasion of Project Conquest: Blood Bowl tournament against our brother ally Help Force. Unfortunately, they didn’t show up at the battle, but it’s okay, as hopefully, they will show up next time for a good fight. During our first room (Forest), we successfully did a lot of tactics and formations such as X formation, double V formation, and trident formation. After 10 minutes passed, we switched to the second room which was the Stadium and during that particular room, we did tactics and formations such as 4 line formation, anchor formation & arrow formation which was successful. Luckily, we managed to invade the land of Abracadabra thanks to every ACP troop who attended, big shoutout. Make sure to check out the event pictures below!

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[Week 2] World War 9 Schedule

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital — In our efforts to wage war in World War 9 vs. the Blue Sunset Alliance (WV, RPF, EGCP) we are moving forward into week 2 as the Sapphire Concordat Alliance (ACP, TCP, SWAT, PIC, NC) take a stand against the greedy BIA.

Below is our current War Schedule for this coming week…

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[UK] Coolguy Inducted as UK Commander!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “UK Commander Induction: Coolguy”– Good evening ACP! On Friday, April 21, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to officially induct Coolguy as our UK Division Commander and invade Lard! We met in the Town and waited for troops to log on before moving to the Forest.

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “Invasion of Freeland: Sub Zero”– Good afternoon ACP! This past Wednesday, our US division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for an invasion of Sub Zero. We started off in the Cove where performed a variety of different tactics and successfully invaded Sub Zero. Thus our land control on the map increased up to 14! Huge shout out to Nicky for judging our invasion! After the successful invasion, we moved over to the Forest where we accidentally equipped the wrong sword which was the Stinky Sword instead of the Sword of Solitude. Then we moved our way over to the Coffee Shop in Town to grab a hot cup of coffee and warm up our troops to prevent them from getting a cold. Overall 17 troops showed up for our second invasion of the week despite the awful weather in-game!

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[US] Invasion of Slushy- Results: VICTORY!

Heya, ACP

Today the Army of CP successfully invaded the Doritos of CP‘s territory which was the land of Slushy! The Doritos were unable to win a single room and we took home yet another 3-0-0 victory!

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ACP Conclude Server Invasions and Nation Expansion

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – During a busy week full of retirements and fun events, the Army of Club Penguin saw three invasions take place to expand the army’s territory – the first of the new HTML5 era. What servers did they invade, and were they successful in expanding their nation?

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The Empire Strikes Back

To Nachos: Your invasions for today, Friday November 1st, are illegal. We did not receive the 24 hour warning that’s required to make the invasions legal. Gracias. 

❗ Saturday, 2nd November ❗

The following battle will take place at Klondike, Forts


ACP vs DW: 4pm EST, 3pm CST, 2pm MST, 1pm PST, 8pm UK

Comment if you can make this event and the ones below!

3 weeks ago, October 13th, 2013. A date which will live in infamy – the Democratic Republic of the Army of Club Penguin was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and land forces of the evil Nacho Empire. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago, during the intervening time, the Nacho Government deliberately sought to deceive the DRACP with false statements of peace.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this pre-meditated invasion. No matter the cost.

The Army of Club Penguin in its righteous might will win through to ABSOLUTE VICTORY.

– Cassius, President and Commander in Chief


Friday, 1st of November:

[AUSIA Event]

Invasion of Down Under

>>> RESULTS: Victory <<<


[AUSIA Event]

Invasion of Sled

>>> RESULTS: Victory <<<


[AUSIA Event]

Invasion of Flurry

>>> RESULTS: Victory <<<


[UK Event]

Invasion of Frostbite

Server: Frostbite


5:00 PM UK


[UK Event]

Invasion of Snow Board

Server: Snow Board


6:00 PM UK

 2:00 PM EST

 1:00 PM CST

 12:00 MIDAY MST

 11:00 AM PST


[UK Event]

Invasion of Snow Drift

Server: Snow Drift 


7:00 PM UK

 3:00 PM EST

 2:00 PM CST

 1:00 PM MST

 12:00 PM PST


[UK + USA Event]

Defence of Yukon

Server: Yukon [If full, Klondike]


9:00 PM UK

 4:00 PM EST

 3:00 PM CST

 2:00 PM MST

 1:00 PM PST


[USA Event]

Invasion of Brumby

Server: Brumby


10:00 PM UK

 6:00 PM EST

 5:00 PM CST

 4:00 PM MST

 3:00 PM PST


Saturday, November 2nd

Reclamation of Parka (TBA)