[AUSIA] Taking Over The CPJourney Pizza Supplies

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Food Fiasco – Good evening ACP! On Saturday, April 20th, our AUSIA division logged onto CP Journey on the server Blizzard for a Pizza competition! We first logged on and started inside the Mines, before moving to the Pizza Parlour and competing in the Pizzatron 3000. We managed to get a total of 27 troops to attend. Thank you all for coming to the event!

Max Size: 27

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[UK] Medal Ceremony for AUSIA Arena

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “AA Medal Ceremony”– Good evening ACP! On Saturday, May 27th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground Town for the Medal Ceremony! You may be asking, “What were the medals for?” Well we gave medals to those who made it to the AUSIA ARENA Battles! After everyone logged on, we headed STRAIGHT to the Dojo! In there we did a tactic and then went on with the Medal Ceremony. Everyone was happy and congratulated one right after the other. After everyone there righteously received medals, we all said one more tactic, and happily logged off. Thank you Calgocubs21 and Rarity for giving out the medals and helping out!

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[AUSIA] Clovers Battle HF – Results!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Battle: ACP vs. Help Force” — Good morning ACP! On Saturday, April 29, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a practice battle with our brother allies, Help Force! We met up in the Town before switching to the Iceberg.

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[USA] AA Training: Fast Room Changes

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Hardcore Training: Quick Room Changes”– Good evening ACP! Today on Thursday, April 27, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to practice switching rooms quickly in preparation for the AUSIA Arena Tournament beginning next week and invade Duatopia! Troops logged on to the Town before switching to the Iceberg. There we did some tactics and formations (like we’ve been practicing all week) before diving into our event.

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Battle: ACP vs People’s Imperial Confederation”– Good morning ACP! Today on Thursday, April 6th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a practice battle with our allies, the People’s Imperial Confederation! Troops met up in the Town whilst the event was delayed for ten minutes, but we soon moved to the Snow Forts to begin our battle.

Max Size: 24

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[AUSIA] Team Delta vs. Plok Rematch

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta DIvision Accelerated”– Good afternoon ACP! On Wednesday, February 22nd, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an event with our Delta Division, where we invaded Aurora and prepared for a rematch battle against the evil, annoying , and ACP’s greatest enemy Plok. This event was also an accelerated tactics event where we practiced high-speed tactics. We met in Town, before proceeding onto 3 other rooms throughout the event while disguised as an Orange puffle similar to Plok. We first went to the Book Room for our invasion of Aurora which was judged by Spinister. We then went to Town again and finished off at the Docks where we battled Calgo who was actually Plok. In the end, we managed to max a good amount of 18 penguins online. So proud of y’all, thanks to everyone that attended and shoutout to Spinister for judging the invasion!

Max Size: 18

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[AUSIA] The Army of CP Hosts Fun Igloo Raid!

Ascent, ‘Igloo Raiding Rave’– Today our AUSIA division logged on to Ascent-Town we started off at town then we moved over to help our troops earn the Party Stamp by raiding their igloos. This event was led by CSY, Cubster and Sanya. We were able to maximum size of 30 penguins for this event and at the same time we had tons of fun! <3, Congratulations to everyone who earned the Party Stamp Igloo and thank you to everyone that attended.

Max: 30

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[AUSIA] Army of Club Penguin Mops Until it Cannot Mop any Further

ASCENT, “Mission: Clean the Island” – Hi ACP! Today, Club Penguin Rewritten was joined by our AUSIA Division as they logged on for our Mission: Clean the Island event. We equipped out Mop and Bucket items and then toured the island, led by Commander in Chiefs CSY and Cubster. We concluded the event by visiting a number of members’ igloos to help them with their housekeeping!

Max: 29

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[AUSIA] Army of CP Hosts ‘Letterman Runway’ Event


ABOMINABLE, ‘Mission: Letterman Runway’ – Today the ACP logged on Abominable, CPR for our AUSIA Mission: Letterman Runway event, the member of the ACP succesfully finished the mission wearing various colors of Letterman Jackets, we had a decent max of 33, Lets go for another strong AUSIA event this weekend!

MAX: 33

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ACP History: The Birth of the ‘AUSIA’ Division

Update: The VERY first AUSIA event was hosted by Mchappy days before Flipmoo’s unscheduled debut. Check it out here.

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – As we march on with ACP History Week and host our Birth of the AUSIA Division themed event, the Shamrock Bulletin takes a look back on the moment that changed the course of Club Penguin army history forever.

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