Trivia: Shamrock Bulletin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡INCREÍBLE! ¿Dos trivias de Daniel en menos de una semana? Ni ustedes se lo creen. What’s up ACP! Welcome back to another Trivia where I give you a question, you answer, and you get clovers (if you answer correctly of course). BUT WITHOUT MUCH YAPPING, LET’S GET RIGHT INTO IT! A few days ago I asked: “What happened, on December 31st, 2020, and which ‘era’ ended then?” and the answer was…

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NewCP Secrets: Music Catalog

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there, ACP! There are a few catalogs that are permanent on New Club Penguin and rarely get updated. The Music Catalog in the Lighthouse is one such catalog and has some of the most frequently used items by armies in their uniforms. Check out the rest of the post to find out what secrets are contained inside! Let’s get started!

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Shamrock Bulletin 10,000 Post Theme Week

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – From 2007 to the present, the Shamrock Bulletin has continued to produce posts, being at the centre of the Army of Club Penguin. Finally, the Bulletin has surpassed its 10 thousandth post and succeeded in breaking the record for most posts in a single month with 108+ post published last month in August. This post was intended to be the 10,000th to be posted on ‘thearmyofcp’ website, but, of course, in ACP fashion, a huge tournament victory and a record-breaking lengthy war took priority. Regardless, we aim to celebrate this momentous occasion and this post will outline just how we plan to do so.

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ACP and RPF Official Alliance

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, “Official Alliance of RPF and ACP”– Dear Army of Club Penguin, today we celebrate a very special day. A day of togetherness, a day of history being restored, and a day for two old friends finally reconnecting stronger than ever and beginning a new era for our respected armies! Without further ado:

The Army of Club Penguin would like to announce its official alliance with the Rebel Penguin Federation!

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An Overdue Introduction

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Hello there ACP! My name is Mads, and many of you probably have heard of me or seen me in chat, or hopefully read one of my many event posts or Weekly Recaps. I am your newest HCOM member, and I realized I never really introduced myself and thought this might be a good time to do so.

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[US] The Last CPR Event EVER?!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BREEZE, EPF HQ – It was a special spy event and what we uncovered change the game forever! Unbeknownst to us, this would be the last event ever held on the private server known as Club Penguin Rewritten. Ever since late 2019, when ACP first returned, we have called this private server our own. This was a mission like no other.

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[AUSIA/SPEC OPS] The Clovers Welcome Back Spec Ops Events

ASCENT, “Spec Ops Revival”  – Hello, ACP! Today, the members of the Army of Club Penguin logged on the server Ascent in CPRewritten for a Spec Ops event! For this event we had 6 penguins online, we started in the town, then we went to the iceberg and we finished the event at the ski lodge to play find four! It was good to see another Spec Ops event after a while 💜 now here are some pictures of the event! ♡

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[AUSIA] The Inauguration of Mchappy’s Homecomings

ASCENT, “Mchappy’s Homecoming” – Hello, ACP! On April 8th, the AUSIA division of the Army of Club Penguin logged on the server Ascent in CPRewritten for the first Mchappy’s Homecoming! During this event, we had 14 penguins online! We started in the town, then we moved to the ski village, after that we went to the ski lodge to play Find Four and to finish we played Mad Libs! Also, remember that this was just the first Mchappy’s Homecoming so get ready for more! Now, here are some pictures of the event!

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[UK] Army of Club Penguin Faces Ice Warriors in a Battle

ASCENT, “Battle vs Ice Warriors” – Hello, ACPOn April 6th, the UK division of the Clover Defenders logged on Ascent in CPRewritten to battle the Ice WarriorsFor this battle we had 8 penguins online, we started in the town to warm up, then we went to the iceberg, after that we moved to inside the mine and we finished in the docks. These are some pictures of the event! ♡

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[US] The Clovers Face Each Other in a Card Jitsu Tournament

CRYSTAL, “Card Jitsu Tournament” – Hello, ACP! On April 4th, the US division of the Clover Defenders logged on the server Crystal in CPRewritten for a Card Jitsu Tournament to become the best ninjas on the island. For this event, we had 13 penguins online, we started at the town, then we moved to the iceberg and we finished at the dojo, where we had our Card Jitsu tournament! After the event, we had an important announcement because Sebassotoo was promoted to General, joining the Higher Command of our army! Congratulations 💚 also, check the #staff-applications channel if you are interested in joining our staff team, now here are some pictures of the event! ♡

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