Trivia: Shamrock Bulletin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡INCREÍBLE! ¿Dos trivias de Daniel en menos de una semana? Ni ustedes se lo creen. What’s up ACP! Welcome back to another Trivia where I give you a question, you answer, and you get clovers (if you answer correctly of course). BUT WITHOUT MUCH YAPPING, LET’S GET RIGHT INTO IT! A few days ago I asked: “What happened, on December 31st, 2020, and which ‘era’ ended then?” and the answer was…

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Trivia: New Year’s Eve

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¿Cómo va todo, ACP? Espero que bien. After one month, I’ve finally been able to bring back our Trivia column! This is a fun column where you answer questions, and get fun rewards – but without further ado, let’s dive right into it! In November, I asked: “Who were the two armies that won the first edition of Double Deck the Halls, and the name of their team?” The answer for it is…

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Trivia: Double Deck The Halls

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week we had the third edition of the column, where I asked: “who was the first ever ACPTR A+ graduate?“. And the answer was…

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Trivia: ACPTR

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week we had the third edition of the column, where I asked: “Out of all our current allies, which one has been with us the longest?“. And the answer was…

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Trivia: Alliances

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week we had the second edition of the column, where I asked: “Which were the two armies that gave us the hardest time during the first edition of Project Conquest?“. And the answer was…

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Trivia: Project Conquest

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week was the first ever edition of the column, where I asked: “What was the name of the tournament the ACP first won since reopening in 2019?“. And the answer was…

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New Column: Trivia!

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Hola ACP! Welcome to this new Shamrock Bulletin column: Trivia. A fun and easy way to earn rewards! Here is how it’ll work: I give you one question (sometimes maybe more) and you answer it/them in the comments. When commenting, give me your Discord username and put the answer right next to it. If you get it right, you can win rewards. The answer to this week’s question will be posted next week, alongside a new question! Now, on to what we’re here for:

The ACP has always been a force to be reckoned with. With a new tournament starting this week, we take a look into the past and reminisce over our previous victories. Ever since reopening back in 2019, we’ve won several tournaments and have come close to winning many others. What was the name of the tournament the ACP first won since reopening in 2019?

This week’s rewards for answering correctly will be 4 clovers!


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field Marshal