[March 2024] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Do you deserve a promotion for your work in March 2024? Please comment below!

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[January 2024] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Do you deserve a promotion for your work in January 2024? Please comment below!

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[UK] Clover Charity Fundraiser (1 Penguin = 1 Dollar)

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Clover Charity Fundraiser– Good evening ACP! On Sunday, January 20th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground on the server Battleground for a charity event where donated money to charity for every penguin that logged on! We started off in the Stadium doing tactics and managing to hit sizes of 35 which meant the money earned was doubled to 70 dollars. In the end, we managed to raise (and take from Mads’s bank account) 73.50 US dollars and we donated the money to the UNICEF: Every Child Educated program. We maxed a whopping number of 35 which goes to show that ACP will always step in to help someone in need. Because of this event, we learned some life values and we were able to help money children who do not have the luxury of getting educated. This event was a huge eye-opening experience and the Higher Commander thanked every troop that showed up. Thank you to everyone who attended, a HUGE shoutout to the Help Force for inspiration, and a very big thank you to Mads!

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CPJourney Cheats: Shrimp Pin Tracker

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there, ACP! Club Penguin Journey recently released their new pin, the Fireworks Pin. Read more for information on where to find it!

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[US] Clovers Engage in a Practice Battle Against the Office Workers

Addressed to The Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Clovers Engage in a Practice Battle Against the Office Workers– Good evening ACP! On Friday, January 19th, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground on the server Battleground for a practice battle to strengthen our US Division and prepare ourselves for the next upcoming tournament battle, the New Year Bonanza against Elite Guardians of CP. We started off the practice battle huddling at Town, starting our first room in Snow Forts and continuing and ending at Cove. Thanks to all who attended this battle, we have once again proved that our little US Division has untapped potential when it comes to battling another army. Make ACP US Division Great Again!

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[AUSIA] AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander– Good evening ACP! Today on January 18th, 2024, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for our great AUSIA Commander and 50th Commander-In-Chief AustinFraud’s one-year anniversary. He has accomplished a great deal for ACP by making our AUSIA division the most formidable AUSIA division in the community numerically and tactically. We all gathered up at the Town to celebrate his success and happily marched towards Snow Forts and Inside Mine. We happily celebrated his success with him since this event marked the last ever AUSIA event with AustinFraud as AUSIA Commander, as this week he will depart from the army and join Calgocubs in Retirement Island. The event ended with AustinFraud giving a speech in the event stage where he mentioned that he is thankful to a lot of people and he knows our AUSIA will still be strong in 2024. Thank you to everyone who attended the event hope to see you next time as well!

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[UK] Clovers Celebrate being the Number One Army of 2023!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, ACP Top Army of 2023 Ceremony– Good evening ACP! Yesterday on January 17,2024, our UK division logged to celebrate being the number one army of 2023 in the Top Ten of the Year. For the first time in 17 years, the Army of CP took home and earned the top spot among the Top Ten Armies of the Year, making this moment extremely special. We all gathered to celebrate in the Town and then marched with the victory flag to the Stadium and Cove. The event saw its end when Commander-In-Chief, AustinFraud made his speech on the event stage. Former Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs also shared his speech and an amazing trophy for achieving number one in the Top Ten armies of the year. Thanks to our troops and leaders we were able to celebrate this! Thank you everyone for attending the event. I hope to see you at the next event soon. ACP will get that number-one spot in 2024 too!

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[US] War on EGCP: Clovers Defend their Territory!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

WARZONE, War on EGCP: Defense against Elite Guardians– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on January 10,2024, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Warzone for our defense battle against Elite Guardians. We started at Town and then moved to the Stadium, Docks, and Cove and did some great tactics together and defended our land!. We could not win against them but we tried our best. Huge shoutout to our great troops and leaders for working hard and serving ACP in a time of need.

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[AUSIA] War on EGCP – Invading EGCP’s Territory

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, War on EGCP: Invasion of EGCP’s Territory– Good evening ACP! Today on Tuesday, January 9th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a war against EGCP. Our first room in the event was the Docks, moving on to the Stadium and finally finishing the battle in Iceberg. In the end, Elite Guardians won both Room 2 and 3 with the first room emerging as a tie, thus EGCP being victorious. Let’s learn from this battle and get stronger for the upcoming war battles. Huge shout-out to the judges who judged the battle and all the troops who attended!

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CPJourney Cheats: Fireworks Pin Tracker

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