History and Legacy: Coolguy Retires From ACP Leadership

Before we get into what, why, who, how and when, I want to take you on a journey. A lot of people know Coolguy but what they don’t know is Coolguy’s journey and that is something that people will never truly understand. While this may be the telling of a story, context is always required and that is something that cannot always be provided but stay with me reading this as we go on the journey from past to present.

The statement of this post is that Coolguy, ACP’s 50th Commander in Chief has retired from ACP’s leadership.

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A New Legacy: The Future of ACP

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Mammoth, ACP Headquarters – Over 8 months ago Phase 3 was announced, introducing myself and AustinFraud into the leadership of ACP. However, since then a lot has changed with the entire landscape of the army being chucked on its head. With that being said, ACP is not the same as it was eight months ago nor does it have the same goals. It’s time for a new journey that will take us into the stratosphere.

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[UK] The Retirement of Austinfraud

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Austinfraud’s Retirement Event – Good afternoon ACP! On Sunday, January 21, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground on the sever Battleground for an event marking the retirement of one of our 50th Commanders in Chief, AustinFraud. It brought people together from Austin’s most memorable moments in armies, old or new friends, they were there! We met in Town, before quickly reaching a max of 56 penguins online! We then moved to 2 rooms, Stadium and Mine. Huge thanks and shoutout to everyone who attended Austin’s retirement event, especially to Austin for leading his last event! We surely held a proper goodbye!

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[AUSIA] AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander– Good evening ACP! Today on January 18th, 2024, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for our great AUSIA Commander and 50th Commander-In-Chief AustinFraud’s one-year anniversary. He has accomplished a great deal for ACP by making our AUSIA division the most formidable AUSIA division in the community numerically and tactically. We all gathered up at the Town to celebrate his success and happily marched towards Snow Forts and Inside Mine. We happily celebrated his success with him since this event marked the last ever AUSIA event with AustinFraud as AUSIA Commander, as this week he will depart from the army and join Calgocubs in Retirement Island. The event ended with AustinFraud giving a speech in the event stage where he mentioned that he is thankful to a lot of people and he knows our AUSIA will still be strong in 2024. Thank you to everyone who attended the event hope to see you next time as well!

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ACP Summer 2023 Recap

Attention to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ACP’s summer has come and gone with the end of summer already far behind us. Our army has accomplished many incredible feats over the past few months. This post will cover ACP’s Summer moments from June to August this year.

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A New Flag Shall Rise Once More – D.R.A.C.P. Flag Contest

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Triumvirate Oval Office – In this current age of armies, flag burning has become a controversial way to show disrespect towards an enemy nation, rejecting everything they stand for. Recently, our current rendition of our flag has been under attack by our enemies, who have repeatedly trashed the design and burned it. While we do not condone the actions demonstrated by them, we do agree that we have been long overdue for new design.

After much consideration and approval from the committee, we have decided to follow a long-time ACP tradition that dates all the way back to 2007 and let the people of the D.R.A.C.P. design & decide.

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Moment of The Month: May

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The month of May went by quickly and the momentum that May held only carried through to the month of June. With that said, it’s finally time for us to introduce you to the top moments of May!

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A Fraudulent Entry: ACP’s Newest Commander AustinFraud

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

What’s good ACP? As of May 29th, I assumed command of the Army of Club Penguin as its 50th Commander-in-Chief. I’m honored to be here as your new commander today. I know I have big shoes to fill, but I’m confident that with everyone’s help, I’ll be able to compete with the greatest leaders ACP has ever produced.

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[URGENT] The Future of ACP & Leadership

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Calgo’s Oval Office – 8 months. That is how long I have been in office as your leader pushing for influential changes that shake up the army community as we know it and putting ACP back at the top where we RIGHTFULLY belong. Rebuilding ACP from the ground up has been quite a long and tiring journey and at the same time one of the most fulfilling jobs that I could ever ask for. It has truly been an honor serving all of you throughout this new era of ACP and today I am here to finally unveil THREE groundbreaking announcements that we have been working behind the scenes on that WILL set solidify our legacy. 16 YEARS IN THE MAKING!

The future of ACP is in your hands …
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