A Legendary Interview

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Hey there ACP! Welcome to another Shamrock Bulletin post by me, MaddieCW3! Today I have a very special post for you, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the creator of the Army of Club Penguin, Oagalthorp! Yes, the “father of Club Penguin Armies,” himself sat down for an interview with me. This is only the second time he has ever been interviewed in the Club Penguin Private Server era, and I am so thankful for his time. Click “Continue Reading” to check out this interview.

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The ACP Augmentation 2.0

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

May we always Defend Freedom and Preserve Justice.

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Dilemma Decisions: Mchappy and Shaboomboom

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Dilemma Decisions, where we give two people a question to ponder over and see how they respond. This week, unfortunately, will be the last feature of this wonderful column. For the final edition, we will be asking Panel of Guardian members Mchappy and Shaboomboom the following question:

What would you do if an ACP Leader needed to be removed from power for abusing their position?

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[AUSIA] ACPSIS: The Search For Shaboomboom – Results!

Hey ACP!

Today, the AUSIA Division sent their very best search agents to try uncover the whereabouts of Clover Bot Developer Shaboomboom. Finally – after searching through countless rooms, and eventually launching a massive search party that located the developer at the Beacon, Forest and finally the Dojo – we were able to speak to him. He agreed to return to the server and help us fix the bot!


Join us in the UK/US Event @ 5PM EST to help fix the bot! React in #events if you can help out!


Max: 42

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Learning From Legends: 6th Leader Shaboomboom

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In this weekly column, we visit various legends from the community and pay them a penny for their thoughts. As we set out on our quest to uncover the wisdom of legends, what will we discover in this latest edition?

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ACP’s 10th Anniversary: Ten Years of Leaders #5 Shaboomboom ft. Shaboomboom

Important Posts to Read:

August Promotions

Events for the Week

New AUSIA Leader

Greetings, ACP.  During the last post we talked about Kg007 and briefly about what happened when he retired as well as how Shaboomboom came to replace him.  Shaboomboom aka Shab became the 5th leader of ACP on the 4th September 2008 and led till 18th November 2008.  He was also the 14th and 16th leader of ACP where he led from the 14th of February 2010 to 17th April 2010 as well as leading from the 5th May 2010 to 3rd June 2010. Carry on reading to find out what Shab did as leader; there’s also a  interview for all those interview lovers.


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