Dilemma Decisions with Riri and Judy

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back ACP to another Dilemma Decisions post; It’s been a while but in this column, we present two people with hypothetical dilemmas or tough questions and understand how they would handle the given dilemma! In this week, we asked Riri and Judy the question below:

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Dilemma Decisions with Hana and Pumpkin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back ACP to another Dilemma Decisions post, where we present two people with hypothetical dilemmas or tough questions and understand how they would handle the given dilemma. This week we asked Hana and Pumpkin the following question:

There is a huge insurgency and conflict between the HCOM and the leader. Seeing if tensions get high, one of which or even all may leave the army leaving ACP stranded. How would you as a staff respond to or handle this problem?

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Dilemma Decisions: CSY Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In this special edition of the Dilemma Decisions column, we asked Advisor CSY to answer the top 10 most asked questions of all time.

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Dilemma Decisions: Mchappy and Shaboomboom

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Dilemma Decisions, where we give two people a question to ponder over and see how they respond. This week, unfortunately, will be the last feature of this wonderful column. For the final edition, we will be asking Panel of Guardian members Mchappy and Shaboomboom the following question:

What would you do if an ACP Leader needed to be removed from power for abusing their position?

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Dilemma Decisions with Nacho and ZoomXT

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Dilemma Decisions, where we present two people with dilemmas and understand how they would handle the given dilemma. This week we asked Nacho and ZoomXT the following question:

How would you respond to another moderator abusing their staff permissions?

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Dilemma Decisions with King Mondo and Zelly

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In our latest edition of the Dilemma Decisions column, we spoke with Advisors King Mondo and Zelly to get their take on the following question:

What would you do if another Advisor was giving the leader bad advice?

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Dilemma Decisions with Caramel and Kyle

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In our latest edition of the Dilemma Decisions column, we spoke with staff members Caramel and Kyle to get their take on the following question:

If you could host and organise an ACP themed week, what would it be & what events would it include?

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Dilemma Decisions with Quinn and Tsanami

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another feature of Dilemma Decisions, where we give two people a dilemma to ponder over every week, this week we asked two of our staff members, Tsanami and Quinn the following question:

What would you do if another member of staff went into a neutral army and started talking trash?

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Dilemma Decisions: Kyle and Pungu

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the latest edition of Dilemma Decisions where we present two people with a dilemma and see how they respond. This week we’ll be asking Kyle and Pungu the following question:

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Dilemma Decisions: Fusion and Spotty

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome to the first feature of Dilemma Decisions, hosted by your very own Colonel Action. In this column, we’ll be asking various people what they would do in certain dilemmas, hence the name. Today we’ll be looking at two of our Field Generals, Fusion and Spotty. What will their answer be?

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