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Response to Dark Vikings’ Declaration of War

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin


MAMMOTH, Capital — Soldiers of the Army of Club Penguin, recently we waged war upon the Dark Vikings, having dropped our declaration post nearly three weeks ago, exposing them for all their wrongdoings. More recently, DV finally issued a response meant to “discredit” our claims.

Regarding DV’s response which can be found here, they claim to have seen little evidence regarding our accusations posed against them. We have provided sufficient evidence within our war declaration, which can be found here. If the Vikings’ leaders did, in fact, read it, we’d suggest they look over it again with their eyes open this time. Although, we don’t hold our breath when it comes to their reading capabilities, nor their acknowledgement of their own wrongdoings.

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Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War On Dark Vikings: AUSIA Blitz”– Good afternoon ACP! Today on Friday, April 15, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in BATTLEGROUND for yet another Dark Vikings no sho- wait. Hang on just a second. I’m getting word they actually attended this battle! Congratulations Dark Vikings! Shaking in our boots, we logged on and met up at the Town, then swiftly moved to the Stadium for room one to start the battle. The battle concluded with the judges ruling our battle a 2-0-1 Victory with 23 troops online!

Max Size: 23

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Dark Vikings War Propaganda

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ATTENTION SOLDIERS! As our war with the Cowardly Vikings continues to drag on, we are excited to bring you this exclusive coverage of your average Dark Vikings troop! Soak up as much info as you can on our enemy below and use it to drive your motivation in our efforts to crush DV.

This post was brought to you by ACP SIS

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[UK] Dark Vikings got SICK with Cowardice

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: Royal Conquest”– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Friday, April 14, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for another battle with the Dark Vikings, to which they did not show up again. Regardless, we logged on to the Town and soon moved to the Docks.

Max Size: 21

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[USA] Dark Vikings No Show AGAIN

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: USA Search & Destroy”– Good evening ACP! On Thursday, April 13, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for another battle with the Dark Vikings, which they no-showed again. Regardless, troops met up in the Town and quickly moved to the Forest.

Max Size: 20

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[Week 3] Dark Vikings War Schedule

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital — In our efforts to wage war on the vile and corrupt Dark Vikings, we are moving forward into week 3 of our great crusade for justice. In the past 2 weeks, we were successful in all 5 of our battles, bringing our war score up to 5-0-0. DV has also released a response post to our Declaration, which we will be responding to soon so stay tuned.

Below is our War Schedule for this coming week…

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[UK] Scaring the Vikings Back to the Dark

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “Operation: Dark Vikings War Round 5″– Good evening ACP! Yesterday on Saturday, April 8, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for another battle with the Dark Vikings. This time they actually showed up, and troops met in the Town before moving to our first room, the Stadium.

Max Size: 21

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On This Day In 2014: April 8th

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome to today’s post! We will be talking about what happened on this day in 2014. Right now, we are at war with the Dark Vikings, and the army community is filled with different content being released and different incidents of drama, but was this the case in 2014?

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[USA] Dark Vikings: Army of One

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: 4th Battle” – Heya troops! On April 7th, the U.S.A. Division logged on for the fourth battle of the Dark Vikings War. Originally planning to raid our event, six DV troops settled at the Iceberg in preparation. However, after realizing they had a poor max size, they canceled on ACP, and only one DV soldier remained.

ACP prevailed. Within the first ten minutes of announcing the room, 20 troops were circled around the Town. Mads and McDonalds (me!) co-led the event VC, with the occasional pitch-in from Calgo.

For the first room, troops bombed the stadium, where we hit our max size of 24. We managed 3 clean formations and a Z-wipe, meanwhile poking fun at DV’s lack of attendance. The second room was announced as Iceberg, where we went up against one idle DV soldier. AOL led our tactics and captured event & size pics on the side.

Migrating to the Dojo for the last 10 minutes of the event, Mads took over tactics, and Calgo and Alu chimed in with some of their own. This included text bubbles such as “follow us on Twitter @ACPArmy,” and “Calgo robbed a bank, what have you done lately?”

Overall, ACP managed another successful DV War event, with the competition next to non-existent. As we approach our 5th battle this Saturday, be mindful of your attendance and activity in-game, as war medals will be given out to active troops! We appreciate your fighting spirit for this army. It’s your hard work that has brought our score to 4-0-0.

Max Size: 24

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[UK] Bringing the Light to the Dark Vikings

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: Special Invasion” – Good afternoon, ACP! On Sunday, April 2, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a proper battle with the Dark Vikings. Since they have refused to show up, we brought the fight to them. ACP troops logged on to raid their event, and we maxed 35 troops online compared to their measly 21 troops. We met up in the Town and soon followed them to their first room, the Stadium.

Max Size: 35

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