• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Ugly & Roxy

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    June 2024
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ACP Sweeps At The Winter Awards 2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Over the weekend, Club Penguin Armies hosted their annual Winter Gala. Alongside this, we saw awards being given out to both individuals and armies. But who won these awards? We will dive into each of the award winners in the post.

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ACP End of Year Awards 2023: Results

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Night Club – Welcome ACP once again for the last time (this year)! After almost a week of collecting votes, it’s time to announce the winners of the yearly awards for the Army of Club Penguin. With a lot of votes being submitted, some of the categories were super close! Some were even tied. Let’s find out who were the award winners!

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Live, Laugh, Love: Zoomey’s Journey

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Army of Club Penguin has one of the most prevalent communities in armies. Within that community, ACP has a large amount of LGBTQ+ members with their own journies and experiences yet to be told. In this article, we will ask a member to share their own story and experiences outside of CPA.

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[AUSIA] Clovers Celebrate Veterans Day!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND “Veterans Day Tribute Event”– Good evening ACP! On Sunday, 12th November, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground to celebrate Veteran’s Day. We first did numerous creative tactics, which were dedicated to ACP veterans and legends, who have contributed significantly towards the growth of the army, thus helping ACP attain peak multiple times throughout the past seventeen years of existence, before proceeding to pay tribute to the real-life superheroes who were willing to sacrifice their life to keep the citizens safe. We started by warming up in the Town, before moving to the Snow Forts, where we also concluded our event. Thanks to everyone who attended, thus making it possible for us to attain a maximum size of 25. Additionally, thanks to AustinFraud and Zoomey for leading the event.

Max Size: 25

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[UK] Iron Man Challenges Spiderman

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Battle Of The Superheroes: ACP VS. HF“– Good evening ACP! On Saturday, November 11th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a superhero battle. We logged onto Town for a battle against our allies, Help Force, however, it turned into just an Iron Man event without Help Force. We also switched to Cove and the Pet Shop. Huge shoutout to Zoomey and AustinFraud for commanding the event! Thanks to everyone who was able to attend! We love you 3000 ❤

Max Size: 22

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17 Years of Memories

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, ACP CAPITAL – Hello ACP! Memories; some things that live with us for life. To remember is to relive. Sometimes memories can bring a feeling of joy and happiness. ACP celebrated its 17th anniversary last month, and with that comes 17 years of memories from everyone who’s passed through our doors. Today we reminisce on all the amazing memories of former and current ACP troops and take a moment to appreciate the stories ACP has created within its wall for everyone who has passed through. With these memories, we take a moment to realize just how unique and incredible ACP and the CPA community really is.

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[UK] Unexpected Battle vs PIC

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: PreBattle vs PIC”– Hello ACP! Today our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground for a training event in the lead-up to Trick or Treat Finals vs Help Force. Little did we realize that PIC would come out of nowhere and challenge us to an entertaining battle. Before you know it we battled it out in Snow Forts, Dojo, and the Stadium having a great time in the process! Thank you to everyone who turned up to the event. Next stop, Trick or Treat Finals!

Max Size: 21

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Murder Mystery

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ Welcome to a new game here in the Shamrock Bulletin, Murder Mystery! A person has been murdered! Will you be able to find out who the murderer is?

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New Official D.R.A.C.P Flag

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey ACP! Following an extensive voting process, we can finally announce the new flag that will be adopted. The winning design has been selected based on the votes cast by our esteemed soldiers. It’s safe to say there were many designs that pleased the eye, and even though only one flag won we appreciate everyone submitting their amazing flag designs. Nonetheless, we are pleased to announce the results of the 2023 ACP Flag Contest.

D.R.A.C.P Flag Contest Results

First Place [WINNER]:
by Dino

The new official flag of D.R.A.C.P.
New D.R.A.C.P. Coat of Arms
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NewCP Cheats: How to Become a Tour Guide

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hello ACP! Today I will be going through, step by step, how to become a Tour Guide on NewCP. Once you follow these steps you’ll find yourself with a snazzy new hat as an official NewCP Tour Guide! Let’s get into it.

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