[AUSIA] The Legend of Cubone Solved in Pokémon Extravaganza

ASCENT, ‘The Legend of Cubone’ – Today the Clover Empire logged onto the server Ascent for a Pokemon themed event dedicated to Cubone. Instead of donning the Roman Helmets, the army wore the Prehistoric Skull head item and traveled around three different rooms; the Town, Stadium and Snow Forts. Lots of fun was had also!

Max: 23

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ACP Army: Halloween Celebratory Schedule


I’m sure some of you remember the post a few weeks ago regarding special events that are expected to take place in celebration of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. As of now we are less than a week away from Halloween night, and I think it’s time to crank up the fun this month. Click “Continue Reading” to view the schedule for Halloween!

halloween party33Halloween-Party1

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[UK]Unscheduled Training Session

Important Posts to Read:

Events for the Week

Unscheduled US Event

Hello ACP,

Today we logged onto Breeze for a training session which wasn’t planned at all. However, we managed to max 17! This is a fantastic number, especially since school has begun! We’d like to give special thanks to Golds for helping us!


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US Recruiting on Ice Berg

Important Posts to Read:

10 Years of Leaders #Shab

Joint games night with AR times

Events for the Week

Greetings, ACP. The US division logged on today for a quick recruiting session on Ice Berg where we maxed fourteen, unfortunately I was only able to get one picture, if you got any pictures of the event then please make sure to contact me so I can it on. Carry on reading for the picture.

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UK Recruiting on Ice Berg

Important Posts to Read:

10th Anniversary #10 Years of Leaders #Shab

Events for the Week

August Promotions

Greetings, ACP. Earlier on today we logged on for a short unscheduled recruiting on Ice Berg where we maxed around fourteen. Make sure to be on at around 4pm EST tomorrow for a fun raid on Golds!

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AUSIA War Training [RESULTS]

Important Posts To Read:

Events for the Week

CP’s 10th Anniversary: Ten Years of Leaders #5 Shaboomboom ft. Shaboomboom

UK Mining Expedition on Ice Berg


Hello ACP, We had another AUSIA training and I can tell you that this AUSIA division is growing fast, we have maxed 15+ again! We need to keep this rolling along, we can do it! Also thank you to Purple Slime for the pics!

Max: 15 || Average: 13

ausia to big

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[AUSIA] Training Event

Important Posts To Read:

Events for the Week

August Promotions

New AUSIA Leader


Hello ACP, Today we had our first AUSIA event with me in charge. It went very well as we maxed 16 and averaged around 14-15 and this is just the beginning of our AUSIA rise!

cakes .png

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Events For the Week 8th August – 13th August

Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!

Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!

Today’s Events

❗ AUSIA Recruiting Session ❗

When: 8th August 2016

Server: TBA (To Be Announced)


5:00 pm IST

7:00 pm PHT/HKT

9:30 pm AEST

7:30 am EST

12:30 pm GMT


❗ UK Patrol of Breeze ❗

When: 8th August 2016

Server: Breeze


8:30 pm GMT

3:30 pm EST

2:30 pm CST

1:30 pm MST

12:30 pm PST



When: 8th August 2016

Server: Belly Slide


12:30 am UK

7:30 pm EST

6:30 pm CST

5:30 pm MST

4:30 pm PST


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UK Invasion of Sparkle (Victory)


Greetings, ACP. Today, the UK division invaded Sparkle from the Nachos and ,as Nachos were a no show, it was an easy victory. We maxed 17. Carry on reading for pictures. 


9th april uk 11 2016

9th april uk 8 2016

9th april uk 10 2016

Comment if you attended,


Super Edwin


March Promotions 2016

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg

Trader | Bam117 

– Leader in Training –

CapnRyanSuper Edwin | King Mondo

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg


US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Fluffyboy3| Bad (Temp)| Slider| Lionzluver|

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