[UK] Coolguy Inducted as UK Commander!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “UK Commander Induction: Coolguy”– Good evening ACP! On Friday, April 21, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to officially induct Coolguy as our UK Division Commander and invade Lard! We met in the Town and waited for troops to log on before moving to the Forest.

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[AUSIA] Newest AUSIA Commander makes a Fiery Entry

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “AUSIA Commander Induction: AustinFraud” – Good afternoon ACP! On January 18th, our AUSIA division logged on to Club Penguin Battleground to welcome and commemorate the Induction of the newest AUSIA Commander, AustinFraud. In addition to that, we were able to add more land to the DRACP through our invasion of Fjord. The soldiers wore their Purple Face Paint and Purple Tabards representing the AUSIA colors throughout the event. The Induction event was commanded by Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs, and General, AustinFraud displaying extraordinary teamwork throughout the event.

We kicked off at Dojo, where we formed a perfect X and Upside Down T formation. Later on, we moved to Inside Mine, the commanders commanded the green soldiers to take up a Backwards L and an Upside Down T formation. We were able to perfect some bombs such as Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise Bombs. At the Mines, all the troops stood around in a circle where President and Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs inducted AustinFraud as the newest AUSIA Commander in the middle. We were able to peak sizes of 24 soldiers at the event which is history in the making. A special shoutout to Chicc for stepping up to judge the invasion.

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[USA] United States Inducts their Red Commander

BATTLEGROUND, “USA Division Induction: Ethan” — Good evening ACP! On Wednesday, January 11th, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battlground to formally induct the new USA Division Leader, Ethan and invade the Freeland known as the North Pole. We met up in the Town, then moved to the Beach to practice some tactics, including an anchor formation with some word bubble and emote tactics, followed by emote bombing different corners, and finally a diagonal line with more word bubbles and emotes. To top off the celebration, we moved to Calgo’s igloo to formally induct Ethan as the newest Third in Command to lead our USA Division. Before his formal induction, however, we practiced bombing the igloo with big word bubbles and emotes and did another diagonal line. Shoutout to our Commander in Chief, Calgo, and newest USA Division Leader, Ethan, for leading the event. Thank you to AOL, Hail, BlossomBel, McDonald’s, Ethan, McHappy, and Kailey310 for taking event photos. Thank you to XSPECTREX from the Ice Warriors for judging our event.

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Private Chats with New HCOM: Alucard

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – On December 24th ACP saw the addition of a new member to the HCom team following the ongoing hiring in ACP. The HCOM member we’d like to introduce to you is Alu!

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