[AUSIA] ACP Delta Division Return

BATTLEGROUND, Delta Return – Good morning ACP! Earlier today our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground, on the server Battleground for the much-awaited return of the legendary Delta division. This division holds a special historical value for ACP as it was formed way back in 2009 and reformed in 2020! It is a specialized division used for special tasks and occurrences for war and tournaments, and has battled many armies and defeated them through the years! The return of the Delta division symbolizes the beginning of a new age for ACP.

We managed to max a total of 38 troops! A massive thanks to everyone who showed up! Be sure to comment below if you attended – and if you didn’t, we hope to see at our massive Victory Parade tomorrow at 4:00PM EST.

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[UK] Delta Division Trains for the War

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Delta Division War Training– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Jan 2,2024 our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for our war training with our Delta Division we started our training by gathering at Town. After that we quickly marched towards other different rooms Iceberg, Stadium, and Snow Forts we did a lot of tactics and trained hard for war. Thanks to all for attending the Delta training, a new precedent was established of holding Delta Events, with the culture of experienced troops teaching the newer troops how to do tactically better at a battle. Stay tuned for more battles and invasions of the Elite Guardians, let’s fully destroy them.

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[AUSIA] Amazing Moderator Lead – Delta!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Moderator Lead Delta”– Good morning ACP! On Tuesday, November 7th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a quick Mod lead, by you guessed it! Our LOVELY Moderators! 4 of them stepped up to lead tactics, word phrases, forms, and more! Everyone started logging on a bit rapidly, we quickly maxed to 21 hoping to get to 30 max! Sadly we didn’t, but we still stood strong. Our lovely Moderators and those in the AUSIA Divison, even those in Delta helped us get where we are today!

Max Size: 21

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[AUSIA] Delta Practice Battle vs. Help Force

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Operation: Delta Battle vs. Help Force – Good evening ACP! On Friday, October 6, our AUSIA division logged onto CPABattleground in Battleground for a wild Delta Division practice battle against our brother ally, the Help Force.

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ACP Summer Awards 2023: Results

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

CHRIS ROCK’S IGLOO, “Award Ceremony Hall”– Greetings once again ACP! It’s time to finally announce our big winner’s of tonights special event as we bid farewell to Summer 2023. Let’s find out who came out on top for each category! And the nominees are … errm … and the winners are ___!

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[AUSIA] Moderators Lead Delta Division to bomb Austin’s House

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta Division Bombing Run”– Good evening ACP! On Tuesday, September 5th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a Delta division event led by our sensational moderators. We met in Town, and our mods got to lead 2 rooms: Docks and Cove. We had a lot of fun letting our moderators lead today. Huge shoutout to Spin, Alemax, Zoomey, Lettucy, and Marquis for leading today’s event. In the end, we maxed 23 penguins online. Huge thanks to everyone who attended!

Max Size: 23

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[AUSIA] 3-Way Battle Vs. Help Force & PIC

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta Battle” – Good morning ACP! On Saturday, July 1st, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground with our Delta division for a 3-Way battle with our good friends Help Force and People’s Imperial Confederation. We assembled in Town to warm up for our huge battle.

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[AUSIA] ACP Invades Delta Back: Off With a Strong Start

Addressed to Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War On Dark Vikings: Invasion of Delta” Good day ACP! On Friday, March 31st, our AUSIA division logged onto CP Army Battleground with our Delta Division as the first-ever war battle against Dark Vikings. We invaded Delta back from Dark Vikings which was transferred to them by us. The soldiers wore their Delta uniform and waited patiently in town to invade Delta from the clutches of Dark Vikings. Unfortunately, Dark Vikings (Cowardly Vikings) were too scared of our might and did not show up for their defense. The judges announced Beach as room one for the invasion, and we stood at the beach for the duration of the war battle. since it was a no-show from Dark Vikings, we practiced perfecting formations so that we annihilate Dark Vikings in the next battle. Field Marshal, AustinFraud and, General, Alu commanded the successful invasion of Delta as Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs voice commanded the invasion. We were able to max a record-breaking amount of 26 Deltas at the invasion. A huge Shoutout to Shepec for judging the invasion and shoutouts to those who were able to make it to the invasion. Justice Prevails!

Max Size: 26

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[AUSIA] Team Delta vs. Plok Rematch

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta DIvision Accelerated”– Good afternoon ACP! On Wednesday, February 22nd, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an event with our Delta Division, where we invaded Aurora and prepared for a rematch battle against the evil, annoying , and ACP’s greatest enemy Plok. This event was also an accelerated tactics event where we practiced high-speed tactics. We met in Town, before proceeding onto 3 other rooms throughout the event while disguised as an Orange puffle similar to Plok. We first went to the Book Room for our invasion of Aurora which was judged by Spinister. We then went to Town again and finished off at the Docks where we battled Calgo who was actually Plok. In the end, we managed to max a good amount of 18 penguins online. So proud of y’all, thanks to everyone that attended and shoutout to Spinister for judging the invasion!

Max Size: 18

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[USA] Delta Division Returns to US!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta Division Formations” — Good evening, troops! Tonight, on January 20th, ACP’s Delta Division made a comeback for a tactic practice, invasion of Omelette, and Golden Week event! With thirty-three reactions on the event channel post and an inevitable 200+ clover reward for attendees, U.S. soldiers grew one step closer in the race for the new Golden Uniform role. 

The event began at 8:00pm EST on the Docks, where troops cycled through formations and Delta tactics for about 15 minutes for our invasion of Omellete. From there, a room change was made to Stadium, which provided more space for testing new forms, including spelling out A-C-P by letter. Overall we reached a max of 27 attendees, though 32 showed up in total!

Max Size: 27

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