• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy

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CPJourney Secrets: Clothing Catalog (January 2025)

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – ¡Saludos, ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released the new catalog with very exciting new items and SECRETS! Read below to get to know where every secret is in the catalog! If you haven’t joined our Discord for more CPJ guides, mascot tracking, etc. – join by clicking HERE!

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[AUSIA] Stamp Hunt Event!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Stamp Hunt Event! – Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Thursday, January 9th our AUSIA division logged onto Club Penguin Journey in Blizzard for a special Stamp Hunt, Overall this was one of our chill events mainly focused on just messing around and collecting stamps! We did a few tactics in rooms such as Lighthouse, Dance Club, Snowforts and Stadium. BIG BIG Shawwwoutt to everyone who attended this event and to all the promotionss. 💗

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CPJourney Cheats: Snowman Puffle Pin Tracker

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ– Hi there ACP! Do you want the cutest pin ever added to your inventory? Make sure to read more in order to find the location of the Snowman Puffle Pin on CPJourney if you’re tired of searching for it!

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CPJourney Cheats: Red Snow Shovel Pin Tracker

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ– Good Morning ACP! Tired of shoveling around trying to get the forty penguin quest in the snow forts? Me too! Well as you slave away shoveling the snow, find the new pin that captures the hours of work you put into finishing this quest (I personally still didnt get it… rip). Read along to find out how to get the Red Snow Shovel pin on CPJourney!

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CPJourney Cheats: Migrator Key Guide

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

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CPJourney Cheats: Holiday Party 2024 Guide

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[AUSIA] Christmas Takeover

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, “Christmas Takeover”- Good Morning ACP! Today on Friday, 20th December our AUSIA division logged onto Club Penguin Journey- Blizzard to takeover the server with our Christmas theme and spirit! We flooded the Forest in our shiny new Christmas outfits. With the Advent calendar in the backdrop, the room was a perfect start to our holiday celebration event!

We then waddled over to the Night Club and followed Roxy as she called out every colour in the rainbow! As we switched colours, the lights in the room followed making us wonder how long they could follow us. After all the chaotic but fun colour changes, we called it a night and concluded our event!

Thank you to all troops who attended! and we hope you join us in showing our support and appreciation for Ugly during his Retirement event this Saturday!!

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CPJourney Cheats: How to Become a PSA Agent!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

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[UK] Return of Tree Cult

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin!

BLIZZARD: Operation: Return of Tree Cult – Salutations ACP! Earlier today on this glorious Thursday, 18th of December, we gathered like saplings under the shade of a mighty oak, spawning on Club Penguin Journey – Blizzard for our utterly tree-mendous return of THE Tree Cult event!! YAY!!!!! We rallied our roots and branched out across the Plaza to show off our arboreal allegiance. Our chants of “TREE CULT TREE CULT TREE CULT” echoed through the icy streets like the rustle of leaves in a forest breeze.

After our grand Plaza performance, we marched to the Dance Club, our next destination for our afterparty that was rooted in celebration. (XD get it? Cuz roots haha trees lol) Although we may have spent too much time switching colors for the room to even recognize what it was anymore. Who knew the Tree Cult would cause this much chaos? I didn’t. Lol. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

During the event, we managed to sprout 41 Troops. THAT’S RIGHT! WE MANAGED TO MAX OUR NUMBERS LIKE THE ALMIGHTY FOREST OAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROWING STRONGER AND FASTER EVERY EVENT!!!!!!!!! Each new recruit added to the roots of our Tree Cult, turning this event into a true arboreal tree-umph. (Get it again? Because the triumph? Tree..umph?????? LOLLLLLLLLLL)

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CPJourney Secrets: Hot Chocolate Pin Tracker

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

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