[AUSIA] Clover’s Take Over the Island With Puffles

Ascent,”Puffle Take Over”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s AUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our puffle take over event, we started out by getting puffle jackets at the town then we headed down to the iceberg and docks, We reached a maximum size of 21 troops and had a lot of fun together at the puffle take over, everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 21

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[US] Clover’s Defend Pine Needles

Ascent,”Vengeance Alliance Defense Of Pine Needles” – Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US division logged onto club penguin rewritten for our defense of pine needles to help our allies defend land we headed down to the ice rink, iceberg and docks we successfully defended pine needles. We reached a maximum size of 10 troops and had a lot of fun together battling along side our allies, make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 10

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[AUSIA] Clover’s Invade Sled

Ascent,”Vengeance Alliance Invasion Of Sled”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s AUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our vengeance invasion of Sled to help our allies in another invasion we headed down to the iceberg, mine shack and stadium while wearing crab costumes, We reached a maximum size of 8 troops and had a lot of fun together. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 8

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[US] Practice Battle With Our Brother Allies Help Force

ASCENT, “Practice Battle” – Hello there ACP! We had a Practice Battle with Help Force on Club Penguin Rewritten and logged onto ASCENT Town. We went for an Invasion with Silver Empire but got called off. Had amazing opportunity to help out and be able to do some cool looking formations and tactics. Did an amazing job and we have another battle tonight, hope to see you all there!

Max Size: 5

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[US] The Journey of the Mad Scientists

Crystal,”Journey of Mad Science” – Hi ACP! Today the US Division logged onto Crystal for our Journey of Mad Science Event. We started out by getting the mad scientist costume at the town. After suiting up, we then went to Iceberg, Stadium, and Beach. We reached a maximum of 10 Troops from the Clover Empire! We all had fun together during the event while in our mad scientist costumes. Everyone did great doing the tactics and formations. Make sure to check out the pictures from today’s event!

Maximum size – 10

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[UK] The Night The Things Come to Life

Crystal,”Halloween Party”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Halloween party we started out by dressing up in Halloween costumes we headed down to the ice berg and stadium. We reached a maximum size of 15 troops and had a lot of fun together at the Halloween party everyone did a great job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size15

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[US] Zombies Come Back To Life

Ascent,”The Walking Deadguins”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Walking Deadguins event, we started out by getting into the mummy suit after we suited up in the mummy costume we headed down to mine shack and beach, We reached a maximum size of 13 troops and had a lot of fun together in the mummy costumes everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 13

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[AUSIA] Night of the Living Sled

ASCENT “night sled”: Hi ACP! Today the AUSIA division logged onto Ascent for a fun ghostly event. We started off at the town with Roxy leading! We then went to the Ski Village with Roxy still leading and Sanya making sled puns.We night sled event for 10 minutes and then had a fun sled tournament  for the rest 20 minutes which Max won! We all enjoyed a lot and we maxed 17 penguins from the Clover Empire!

Maximum- 17

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[UK] Clover’s Crush Ice

Ascent,”Ice Breaker”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our invasion of Ice Breaker event where we helped our allies invade Ice Breaker. Through out the battle we covered SE and had a size advantage. We successfully invaded Ice Breaker! We reached a maximum size of 15 ACP troops and had a lot of fun together battling. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 15

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[UK/US] Practice Battle Between Ice Warriors and Army of Club Penguin

ASCENT, ‘Practice Battle‘ – Hey there ACP, we logged on to Ascent Town on Club Penguin Rewritten to do a Practice Battle against Ice Warriors. We started off by warming up tactics in Town, went to Stadium, headed to the Mines and finished off on the Ice Berg. Everyone did an amazing job with keeping up and doing the tactics, fighting against them! Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow at our next big battle! Don’t forget to comment down below if you came!

Max Size: 13

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