[EUSIA] Up High

Crystal,”Operation Take Flight”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s EUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Take Flight event, Where some of our troops got to lead the event, We reached a maximum size of 11 troops and had a lot of fun together, everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 11

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[US] Clover’s Obtain New Land

Ascent,”Free Land”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Free Land invasion, we looked to acquire New land and successfully claimed land! We reached a maximum size of 17 troops and had a lot of fun together claiming land, everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 17

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[AUSIA] Invasion of Free land 27

ASCENT, “Invasion of Free Land 27”: Hi ACP! Today the AUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Invasion of Free Land 27. We started out at the town we then went to the Ice rink while doing some cool tactics and formations. During the event, we reached a maximum size of 13 troops!

Maximum size – 13

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[UK] Clover’s Terrorize The Island

Abominable,”Civilian Target Practice”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Civilian Target Practice, we started out at the town in our ACP uniforms, We headed down to the stadium and iceberg we looked for civilians over the island and attacked them, We reached a maximum size of 15 troops and had a lot of fun together throwing snowballs at civilians. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 15

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[US] Clover’s Turn Into Chef’s

Ascent,”Chief Chef”-Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US Division Logged onto club penguin rewritten for our chief chef event, we started out at town suiting up in chef costumes we headed down to the iceberg and stadium, We reached a maximum size of 16 troops and had a lot of fun together everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 16

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[UK] Clover’s Rush Ice

Ascent,”Battle Against Ice Warriors”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our battle against IW, we battled at the stadium, mine and forts, We reached a maximum size of 14 troops and had a lot of fun together battling IW everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to a take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 14

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[AUSIA] Through the storm

ASCENT, “Through the storm”: Hello ACP! Today our AUSIA division logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for our through-the-storm event. We first started out by putting on our boots, we headed to the forts and ski hill. The event ended off with a sled racing competition in which Ivelkov won! We reached a maximum size of 14 penguins from the Clover Empire and we had a lot of fun throughout our rainy event. We did an awesome job today! 

Maximum Size – 14

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[US] Clover’s Battle PIC

Marshmallow,”Practice Battle Against PIC”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our battle against PIC, We battled at the stadium, mine shack and ice berg, we reached a maximum size of 7 troops and had a lot of fun together battling PIC. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 7

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[AUSIA] Clover’s Visit The Mountains

Ascent,”Hiking Escapade”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s AUSIA Division Logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for our hiking escapade event, we started out at the town gearing up in hiking gear and made our way down to the iceberg, We reached a maximum size of 17 troops and had a lot of fun together hiking everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 17

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[US] Clover’s Dance With Ducks

CRYSTAL, “Dancing Ducks” – Hi ACP! Today the US Division logged onto Crystal for our Dancing Ducks event. We started off by getting the Pink Inflatable Duck, after we’ve gotten our pink duck we went to Iceberg, Docks and Stadium. We ended off the event with a sled racing competition. We reached a maximum size of 14 Troops from the Clover Empire! We all had fun together during the event while in our pink floatie. Everyone did great doing the tactics and formations. Make sure to check out the pictures from today’s event!

Maximum size – 14

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