[UK] Clover’s Battle Against Sliver Empire

Ascent,”Battle Against Sliver Empire”– Hello ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our battle against Sliver empire. We reached a maximum size of 16 troops and had a lot of fun together battling at the iceberg and stadium, once we were done we played hide n seek together. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the battle today!

Maximum size – 16

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[US] Mission: Fisherman’s Tail Unhooked!

ASCENT, ‘Fisherman’s Tail’ – Hey there ACP! We logged on to Ascent Town on Club Penguin Rewritten and started our night with a simple event in town, was being lead by Jesus, then got raided by the Templars. We continued like normal and then waddled our way over to cove, Templars followed us but didn’t stop us! After the event, we finished off by going to Ski Village and played the fishing game to see who got the highest score on catching the most fish! Hope to see you guys at our battle tomorrow!

Max Size: 16

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[US] Award Winners

Ascent,”The Knockoff Summer Awards 2021”– Hey ACP! Today, the clover empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for The Knockoff Summer Awards 2021 event, we started the awards ceremony by heading down to the Night Club, where 9 different awards were given out by our very own Mchappy! Troops competed in a dressing competition and listening competition, We reached a maximum size of 26 troops everyone did an amazing job with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look below for award winners and the pictures from the knockoff summer awards event!


Best Dressed

Won by Belencita

Goofiest Outfit

Won by Peteboy31

Best Listener

Won by Flipoto and Sebassotoo

Best Voice

Won by Zelly

Best Ally

Won by Legoman


Won by Nacho

ACP’s Valuable

Won by Mariantt

Natural Leader

Won by Zeus

The best people on the planet

Won by LEGOMAN, Bald Vader, Pumpkin, AVAloveawooh22, powerprimate, zellybelly, BlossomBel, Blub6floor, HATEBOI, Mchappy, ThePieLord, Nacho, Mariantt99, SuperKlonoa64,Sebassotoo,gtuest1337, Jesus, dizzy,Tosh, Niki, Wagner135

Maximum size – 26

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[US] Friendly Practice Battle Against Red Ravagers

Ascent,”Practice Battle with Red ravagers”– Hey there ACP! Today, the Clover empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our practice battle against red ravagers. We reached a maximum size of 15 troops and had a lot of fun together. Battling in the IceBerg, Light House and Staduim then wrapping up with a friendly game of connect 4 together at the Ski Village. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the practice battle with red ravagers!

Maximum size – 15

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[UK] The Jetpack Joyride

Sleet,”Jetpack Joyride”– Hey ACP! Today,the Clover Empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Jetpack Joyride event. We started out the event by getting jet packs after we got our jet packs we started flying around in our Jetpacks, We reached a maximum size of 19 troops, We had a lot of fun together flying around in our Jetpacks everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the Jetpack joyride event!

Maximum size – 19

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[US] Herbert The Evil Bear

Ascent,”Herbert Bear Drawl”– Hey ACP! Today,the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Herbert bear drawl event, We suited up in Herbert costume going around the map in our Herbert costume’s, We reached a maximum size of 22 troops. We had fun together everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the Herbert Bear Brawl event today!

Maximum size – 22

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[US] Until Next Time

Crystal, “End of Summer Bash”– Greetings ACP! Today, the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our end of summer bash, we celebrated the end of summer by wearing summer cloths! We reached a maximum size of 16 troops we had fun together everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations, Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the summer bash event!

Maximum size – 16

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[EUSIA] The Golden Age

Ascent, “Farewell”– Hey there ACP! Today, the Clover Empire EUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our farewell event to say one last goodbye to 7 of our key members that have been in ACP for a long time CSY, Cub, Kailey, Daniel, Robot, Shane, Stevos have been around in ACP for over a year they showed loyalty and hard work throughout their years, Sadly all good things come to an end and nothing lasts forever and this was their turn to move on from club penguin they been here since thin and thick, We wish them the best of luck with what ever is next! We reached a maximum size of 40 troops we had fun together throughout our final minutes together everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations, Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the farewell event!

Maximum size – 40

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[ EUSIA ] The Power That’s Inside

Zipline, “Battle of Division’s”– Hey there ACP! Today, the Clover empire’s EUSIA division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Battle of division event, Both division’s competed against each other in tactics and formations, they showed the power they had and fought hard, at the end team Valor came out victorious, We reached a maximum size of 30 troops we had fun competing against one another everyone did an amazing job with tactics and formations, Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the Battle of Division’s event!

Maximum size – 30

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[ UK ] Clovers Go Pokémon Hunting

Abominable, “Team Rocket” – hey there ACP! Today, the clover empire’s UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for our Team Rocket event, The clover’s we’re seen looking and stealing Puffles they went into igloos and looking and stealing for Puffles and marked the event with “your Puffles are ours” tactic, We reached a maximum size of 30 troops we had fun together everyone did an amazing job today with the tactics and formations, Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the Team Rocket event!

Maximum size – 30

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