Shamrock Bulletin Presents: Double Deck the Halls III

Addressed to Club Penguin Armies

BLIZZARD, SB Headquarters We are pleased to announce that Shamrock Bulletin will officially host the 3rd addition of the Double Deck the Halls, scheduled on November 23rd!

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SB Presents: Double Deck the Halls II

Addressed to Club Penguin Armies

COLOSSEUM, Tournament Hall I am pleased to announce that Shamrock Bulletin‘s holiday tag team tournament known as Double Deck the Halls will be returning for its second iteration this year! This matchup is scheduled for this coming Saturday, November 18th.

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ACP and RPF Official Alliance

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, “Official Alliance of RPF and ACP”– Dear Army of Club Penguin, today we celebrate a very special day. A day of togetherness, a day of history being restored, and a day for two old friends finally reconnecting stronger than ever and beginning a new era for our respected armies! Without further ado:

The Army of Club Penguin would like to announce its official alliance with the Rebel Penguin Federation!

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A New Flag Shall Rise Once More – D.R.A.C.P. Flag Contest

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Triumvirate Oval Office – In this current age of armies, flag burning has become a controversial way to show disrespect towards an enemy nation, rejecting everything they stand for. Recently, our current rendition of our flag has been under attack by our enemies, who have repeatedly trashed the design and burned it. While we do not condone the actions demonstrated by them, we do agree that we have been long overdue for new design.

After much consideration and approval from the committee, we have decided to follow a long-time ACP tradition that dates all the way back to 2007 and let the people of the D.R.A.C.P. design & decide.

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[UK] Invasion of Oagalcorps vs. EGCP

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War On EGCP: Invasion of Oagalcorps”– Good morning, ACP! Yesterday, on Friday, August 18th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an Invasion of Oagalcorps against EGCP. We maxed a whopping 33 troops and were successful in our invasion while crippling EGCP’s defenses. The war score is now 12-1-7.

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[MM] Clovers Battle RPF in March Madness Elite Eight

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “March Madness Elite Eight: ACP vs. Rebel Penguin Federation”– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Saturday, March 18, we logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for our second battle in the March Madness Tournament, against Rebel Penguin Federation

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A Legendary Interview

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters — Hey there ACP! Welcome to another Shamrock Bulletin post by me, MaddieCW3! Today I have a very special post for you, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the creator of the Army of Club Penguin, Oagalthorp! Yes, the “father of Club Penguin Armies,” himself sat down for an interview with me. This is only the second time he has ever been interviewed in the Club Penguin Private Server era, and I am so thankful for his time. Click “Continue Reading” to check out this interview.

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