[AUSIA] Army of Beach Club Fashion

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Operation: Beach Party – Good morning ACP! Yesterday on Thursday, September 12th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground for a beach-themed party. We entered the Town, which was our first room, and started the event by practicing tactics & formations such as upside down V formation and anchor formation, which was a success. When it was time for us to switch rooms, we went to the Beach (second room) and formed a V formation whilst doing emote/word tactics, which again was a success. Once we finished practicing our tactics/formations, we formed a circle formation and whenever the leaders called our name, we would come to the center and show off our outfits. Everyone had lovely outfits, hence why the title is called “Army of Beach Club Fashion”. Big shoutout to every ACP troop for their drip and for attending the beach party event. Be sure to check out the event pictures below!

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[UK] Clovers Parade Around Southern Lights

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SOUTHERN LIGHTS, War Victory Parade + Invasion on SWAT – Good afternoon ACP! Today on Saturday, September 7th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Southern Lights for an invasion of SWAT’s land whilst celebrating our recent war victory. Luckily, we managed to have an easy time taking over their land of Southern Lights as they chose not to show up at all, only God knows why. Despite SWAT not showing up, we successfully did a lot of lovely formations during the first room (Inside Mine) & the second room (Night Club), whilst practicing our speed and formation quality, such as Angle, X formation, and Plus formation, Triangle, and lastly, a Heart formation. However, none of this would’ve occurred if wasn’t for everyone who attended the event/battle, as I’d like to give a big shoutout to every ACP troop who attended the celebration of our war victory parade!

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[AUSIA] AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, AustinFraud’s One-Year Anniversary as AUSIA Commander– Good evening ACP! Today on January 18th, 2024, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for our great AUSIA Commander and 50th Commander-In-Chief AustinFraud’s one-year anniversary. He has accomplished a great deal for ACP by making our AUSIA division the most formidable AUSIA division in the community numerically and tactically. We all gathered up at the Town to celebrate his success and happily marched towards Snow Forts and Inside Mine. We happily celebrated his success with him since this event marked the last ever AUSIA event with AustinFraud as AUSIA Commander, as this week he will depart from the army and join Calgocubs in Retirement Island. The event ended with AustinFraud giving a speech in the event stage where he mentioned that he is thankful to a lot of people and he knows our AUSIA will still be strong in 2024. Thank you to everyone who attended the event hope to see you next time as well!

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[UK] War on EGCP: Invasion on EGCP’s Territory Part 6

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, War on EGCP: Invasion on the Elite Guardians Part 6– Good evening, ACP! Yesterday on Saturday, January 13th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for the sixth part of our war against the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. We began inside the Mine, then moved to the Snow Forts, before finishing off at the Stadium, and were able to max 33. Overall, ACP was able to win all of the rooms. Shoutout to Spotty and Mare for taking your time to judge the battle. The Elite Cowards might not show up but we entered the battlefield strong and ended the battle as victors. Thank you to everyone who came!

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[US] War on EGCP: Clovers Defend their Territory!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

WARZONE, War on EGCP: Defense against Elite Guardians– Good morning ACP! Yesterday on January 10,2024, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Warzone for our defense battle against Elite Guardians. We started at Town and then moved to the Stadium, Docks, and Cove and did some great tactics together and defended our land!. We could not win against them but we tried our best. Huge shoutout to our great troops and leaders for working hard and serving ACP in a time of need.

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[UK] Grinch Takes Over Christmas

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Battleground, Grinch Takes Over Christmas– Good evening ACP! Today on Saturday, December 23rd our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a Grinch-themed training event where we dressed up in a green monster outfit to symbolise the Grinch, and then performed quite a few tactics related to the Grinch. We started the event in the Town and ended it in the Snow Forts. Thanks to everyone who showed up to the event, we were able to peak 17 ACP soldiers at the event. See you at the next one!

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[UK] Troops Become Licensed SB Photographers!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Photojournalist Event Pictures Master Class“– Good evening ACP! On Wednesday, September 13th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a photography master class on how to properly take quality event pictures. We learned how to take good event pics while doing forms and tactics to try it out. We first logged onto town, where we later on moved to Snow Forts. We maxed a total of 21 penguins. Thanks to everyone who took part of it and helped us get our max size!

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[UK] Clovers March Marking the End of Summer Survival War

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “End of Summer Survival Parade“– Good afternoon, ACP! On Wednesday, August 30th, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a military prowess tank parade to celebrate our recent victory in the war against EGCP.

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[USA] Defense of Famagusta vs. EGCP

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “War On EGCP: Defense of Famagusta“– Good afternoon, ACP! On Friday, August 25th, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for a defense of Famagusta against the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. While we performed well, we did not win this time.

The war score is now 18-1-13

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[UK] Invasion of Fiesta vs. EGCP

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ICE BREAKER, “War On EGCP: Invasion of Fiesta”– Good morning, ACP! On Wednesday, August 23rd, our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Ice Breaker for a takeover against EGCP! As we began, we quickly entered all 3 rooms, which were Forest, Stadium, and Inside Mine. We were going left and right with fast tactics, swift changes, and smooth forms, as everything was perfect tactically. The judges deemed us the victors of the battle at the end of it, and we successfully invaded Fiesta with all of our might. Thank you to all our amazing troops who attended, we appreciate every single one of you, and shoutout to Calgocubs21, Austinfraud, and Coolguy for leading the battle! See you next time at the battlefield so that we can get that ACP VICTORY!

Score: 14-1-10

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