Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another Moment of The Month post. While June floated on by after a hard-fought World War, July came fast around the corner with some very special moments of its own.

Filed under: Army of CP, Moment of the Month, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: 2010, ACP MOTM, ACP Triumvirate, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Austin, AustinFraud, Blizzard, Bring It Home, Calgo, Calgocubs21, Cheats, clover penguins, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Journey, Club Penguin Legacy, Coolguy, CP, cpa, CPJ, CPJourney, CPL, CPLegacy, CPPS, EGCP, Elite Guardians, Elite Guardians of Club Penguin, Elite Guardians of CP, Interviews, July, June, LC, LCXIII, Legends Cup, Legends Cup XIII, Mascot, mascot trackers, Moment of the Month, Moment of the Month July, MOTM, MOTM July, NCP, New Club Penguin, NewCP, Oagalthorp, Revival, SB, Semi-Finals, Shamrock Bulletin, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters, tcp, Templars, Templars of Club Penguin, Templars of CP, Top Ten, Tournament, tracker, Triumvirate, Troops, World War | Leave a comment »