• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy

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[UK] Clovers Melt Ice Once More in Exciting Practice Battle

Ascent, “Practice Battle with Ice Warriors” – Hey there ACP! Today, the Clovers’ UK division logged onto CP Rewritten for a friendly practice battle against the Ice Warriors. We reached a maximum size of 28 troops, and had a lot of fun together we practiced inside the Stadium for our first room and we finished the battle at the Iceberg.

Maximum size – 28

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[UK] Clovers Face Templars Once More in Exciting Practice Battle

Ascent, Town– Hello ACP! Today our UK division logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten to have a battle against our enemies the Templars of CP. We did some warmup tactics in the town before moving into the Stadium and ending the battle in the berg. This battle was led by our two leaders CSY and Cubster and after this event our Field Marshal Kailey hosted a fun running game! Thank you to everyone who came today and helped us secure another victory against the Templars!

Max: 39

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[EUSIA] ACP Seizes Funny Bone From the Fallen Empire

Funny Bone, “Clover Conquest”– Hello ACP! Today we went up against our good allies the Silver Empire in a EUSIA Invasion to claim Funny Bone away from them. Both sides did extremely well but in the end of the day our size and speed was no match for the Silvers and we were able to secure yet another victory for the clover kingdom. Thank you to every soldier that came to our battle today where we were able to prove the true strength of the clovers and show them that we were able to take Funny Bone from them when many armies could not. Let’s keep the grind on and showcase our power again in our next invasion against the Silver Empire which will be the Invasion of Dragon Alley.

Max: 48


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[EUSIA] Clovers Reign Supreme Over Rah’s Dwarf Village

Rah’s, Dwarf Village, “Clover Conquest”– Hello, ACP! Today we went up against the Doritos of CP in an EUSIA Invasion of their server Rah’s Dwarf Village. Due to ACP’s overwhelming size, speed and tactics we were able to secure yet another victory for the Clover Kingdom! Thank you to everyone who attended

Max: 43

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[UK] ‘Delta Operation: Tribus’ Marks First Event Under New Triumvirate Leadership

ASCENT, ‘Operation Delta: Tribus’ – Today ACP logged onto Ascent for our Delta event, where we learnt new formations and movements which we will use in future battles. This event was extremely special as it was our first with with our new Triumvirate Leadership, consisting of CSY, Max and Cubster! Make sure to congratulate them when you see them!

Max: 40

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[AUSIA] Caught in 4K- Results!

Heya, Army Of Club Photographers

Today, We logged on for our Camera Event which was led by Sanya We were excellent in tactics and formations and was able to show that these cameras are brighter than my future! We had tons of fun and we were able to prove that CSY is a good dancer!

Max: 44

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[UK] Froggy Fight vs. Help Force – Results!

Hey, ACP! Today our UK division logged onto CPRewritten for a frog themed battle against our allies, the Help Force! This battle involved an assortment of ribbiting tactics and unique formation practice.

Max: 52

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[AUSIA] Mission: Clover Heist – Results!

Hey ACP!

Today our AUSIA division logged onto Ascent, CPRewritten to participate in a sneaky Clover Heist! We started off by creating some amusing formations and chanting tactics. After that, we ran around the island to steal some valued goods. Thank you to our Temporary Commander in Chiefs, Cubster and Max, for leading this great robbery! Huge shoutout to Pandito and Nyoooooom for being our Hide and Seek champions!

Max: 35
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ACP Fan Art: March 2021

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – As April arrives, we take the time to look back at our amazing artwork from March 2021.

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[March Madness] Round 2 vs. RPF – Results!


Today we logged onto Crystal, CPRewritten to brawl against the Rebel Penguin Federation in the semi-finals of the March Madness tournament. Thank you to our Commander in Chief, CSY, and Field Marshal, Max, for leading this epic battle. Incredible job everyone!

Max: 78
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