[FEB 2025] Troop of the Month!

Hello there ACP!

We’re excited to reintroduce Troop of the Month in place of Soldier of the Week, which is effective from now on! We’re thrilled to see who will earn this title in the coming months.

February was definitely a challenging month. We went through 4 wars, and emerged victorious in every one of them. We couldn’t have achieved this victory without all of you. However, one troop stood out from troops, hence we congratulate..


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From Troop of The Month to ACP Hcom: AOL

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome to today’s post. For this post, we will be talking to AOLInstantMessenger to delve into his history within the Army of Club Penguin while also asking him questions about his journey, goals, and determination.

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[JULY 2021] Troop of the Month!

Hey ACP!

As we see the departure of a true ACP icon, we celebrate the rise of a new TOTM, who’s put in great work throughout the month.

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[JUNE 2021] Troop of the Month!

Guten Morgen ACP!

It’s the time of the month again, to announce the Troop of the Month!

This month marks us taking home the trophy of Project: Conquest, and it’s only fitting that we reward a trophy of our own, to a troop that has gone above and beyond throughout to attend every event they could, to remind other troops of our battles, and to recruit new members to join our ranks. Without further ado, congratulations to:



What qualifies for TOTM?

– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas

This month, Flipoto/HTost🅰do, a long-time troop of the ACP has been voted as the TOTM, not just for his exemplary attendance as well as concentration as a soldier in P:C related events, but also for his presence in our chats, helping out before the event where he could, whether it was to help remind other troops of the battle times, or to show new troops the ropes. Participating too as an arduous member assisting with the revival of ACPRF, Flipoto has shown great drive to help the army during this tournament and is truly deserving of the TOTM title.

Interview with Flipoto

Hey Flipoto, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?

I am Flipoto and I began playing club penguin when I was a kid. Then I discovered ACP upon being nostalgic to Club Penguin.

Whats the meaning behind your 2 names, Flipoto and HTostado? Any special meaning behind your signature 🅰 emote?

Flipoto 575 was the name of my original penguin back in the old CP, HTost🅰do is just my discord name i choose without any special meaning. I put the 🅰 emote in my nick always so i can recognize myself in most chats.

Why do you think you were voted TOTM?

I think i was voted because i was becoming more and more active compared when i joined this army.

Other than ACP, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

i enjoy playing minecraft (bedrock edition) and i also like playing the piano

As one of our most active members from Legion Espanola, how do you find the English community? Have you run into any difficulties?

The english community from my POV is really active and welcoming. Since my english isnt native, i sometimes mess up with some words but that rarely happens so its ok.

What’s your favorite battle to this date?

My favorite battle was also the one of the first events i attended, it was the Finals of March Madness, at that moment I had just learned the basics. Even thought i fought mostly in lockout rooms, i managed to get into the third one. It was an epic battle.

If you could have a superpower – what would it be and why?

having the power of superhuman intelligence. Why? idk

Tell us a secret about yourself that we don’t know yet!

i once broke a mouse playing blocky game (it was kinda old) and the mouse i have has broken its scrolling wheel. i need a new mouse smh

What do you hope to see most in ACP in the future? Any goals for yourself?

in my opinion, tournaments are events that help build hype in the whole community and they are one of the parts of the army community that i most enjoy. It is nice to rank up in the army, but i would personally like to do it a bit slower to enjoy it while still being active ^^

10) Any final words?

final words? ty ACP for being among us!


Congrats once again to Flipoto/HTost🅰do for being voted as the TOTM for the month!

ACP Leader

[MAY 2021] Troop of the Month!

Здраво ACP!

Concluding the month of May,  we enter June with a new Troop of the Month.

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[APRIL 2021] Troop of The Month!

Hey ACP!

Another amazing month underway – with the successful History week, where we celebrated and relived different parts of our history in style, to reaching #1 on the Top Ten multiple times. We’re proud to announce another iteration of TOTM, to celebrate the most diligent troops of the ACP.

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[March 2021] Troop of the Month!

Hello, ACP!

March has been an insane month for us – participating in March Madness and breaking our CPR size records, to beating the RPF’s tournament streak after winning against them in the Semi-Finals. We wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without a team of strong troops, and so, this month’s TOTM have been especially hard – especially with the additional concentration people have put for those who have achieved Soldier of the Day. Without further ado though, let us congratulate…

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[FEB 2021] Troop of the Month!

Salute ACP!

Whilst the month of February might be short, it’s definitely been a busy one. With many firsts – first CPR battle, first CPR HTML (and 2021) themed week for Valentines, first ACPTR season, many troops have stood out in their diligence. Following a very divisive vote by the staff, I am pleased to congratulate the TOTM for February 2021:


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[JAN 2021] Troop of the Month!

Hey ACP!

We enter 2021 and the post-flash era, with many changes to the army – from adjusting to HTML, to our Alpha vs Echo: The Revenge war, to revamping the Shamrock Bulletin, to many changes within the staff ranks as part of the new year. As we bid farewell to the first month of 2021, we also celebrate the achievements of a certain member that has earned this title, in more ways than one:

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[DEC 2020] Troop of the Month!

Heya ACP!

As we bid farewell to the new year, we also announce the final installment of TOTM for 2020.

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