[Week 2] World War 9 Schedule

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Capital — In our efforts to wage war in World War 9 vs. the Blue Sunset Alliance (WV, RPF, EGCP) we are moving forward into week 2 as the Sapphire Concordat Alliance (ACP, TCP, SWAT, PIC, NC) take a stand against the greedy BIA.

Below is our current War Schedule for this coming week…

[AUSIA] Invasion of Down Under

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Monday, June 5th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 9:00AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 8:00AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 7:00AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 6:00AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 2:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasion-of-down-under if you can attend!

[UK] Defense of Istanbul

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Monday, June 5th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 4:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 3:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 2:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 1:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 9:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-istanbul if you can attend!

[USA] Defense of Acre

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Monday, June 5th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 7:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 4:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 12:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-acre if you can attend!

[USA] Invasion of Athens

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Monday, June 5th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 8:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 7:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 1:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasio-of-athens if you can attend!

[SPEC OPS] Invasion of Ryback/Chinook

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Tuesday, June 6th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 3:00AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 2:00AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 1:00AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 12:00AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 8:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasion-of-ryback or #invasion-of-chinook if you can attend!

[SPEC OPS] Invasion of Philly

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Tuesday, June 6th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 3:45AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 2:45AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 1:45AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 12:45AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 8:45AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasion-of-philly if you can attend!

[AUSIA] Defense of 16 Years in the Making

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Tuesday, June 6th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 9:00AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 8:00AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 7:00AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 6:00AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 2:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-16-years if you can attend!

[USA] Defense of Moscow

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Tuesday, June 6th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 7:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 4:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 12:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-moscow if you can attend!

[USA] Defense of Subzero

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Tuesday, June 6th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 8:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 7:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 1:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-subzero if you can attend!

[AUSIA] Invasion of Icebound

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Wednesday, June 7th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 9:00AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 8:00AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 7:00AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 6:00AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 2:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasion-of-icebound if you can attend!

[UK] Defense of Kabul

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Wednesday, June 7th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 4:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 3:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 2:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 1:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 9:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-kabul if you can attend!

[USA] Defense of Atilt

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Wednesday, June 7th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 7:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 4:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 12:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-atilt if you can attend!

[AUSIA] Invasion of Glacier

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Thursday, June 8th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 9:00AM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 8:00AM Central (CST)

:arrow: 7:00AM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 6:00AM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 2:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #invasion-of-glacier if you can attend!

[UK] Defense of Las Vegas

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Thursday, June 8th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 4:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 3:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 2:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 1:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 9:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-las-vegas if you can attend!

[USA] Defense of Cambria

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Thursday, June 8th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 7:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 6:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 5:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 4:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 12:00AM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-cambria if you can attend!

[UK] Defense of Deep Snow

Goal: To get 60+ soldiers

When: Friday, June 9th

Where: https://play.cpabattleground.com


:arrow: 4:00PM Eastern (EST)

:arrow: 3:00PM Central (CST)

:arrow: 2:00PM Mountain(MST)

:arrow: 1:00PM Pacific (PST)

:arrow: 9:00PM United Kingdom (UK)

React in #defense-of-deep-snow if you can attend!



> > https://discord.gg/armyofcp < <

This concludes our official War Battle schedule for Week 2 of our war against the Water Vikings, Rebel Penguin Federation, and the Elite Guardians! I hope to see you all at our important defenses and invasion to protect the DRACP!

Be sure to COMMENT down below if you are able to attend!


ACP 49th Commander in Chief

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