[UK] Army of CP Face Help Force in Battle and Games Tournament

ASCENT, “Operation: Games Tournament with HF” – Hey hey ACP! Today, the Clover Penguin’s UK Division logged on server Ascent for a short practice battle against our brothes allies Help Force, which was fun. We reached a maximum size of 32 penguins, and everyone did amazing work with tactics & formations throughout. Once the practice battle was over, our games tournament vs the Help Force had begun, starting with trivia. It was a quite tight game, but the clovers managed to win trivia. After that, we moved onto hide and seek game, and this time, it became a tie. The last game of our games tournement was a skribbl game, we all had lots of fun together, but it resulted a win for Army of Club Penguin, meaning we won the whole tournament. Much love to our brother allies for the fun experience, and thank you to everyone who attended!

MAX: 32

Tomorrow, make sure to enjoy our break day, and don’t forget to comment on this post if you attended!


ACP Lieutenant General

4 Responses

  1. I came and this was really fun wooooooooo

  2. I attended! Loved that games especially the scribble (no im not biased..)

  3. Was a ton of fun! Glad I made it.

  4. super fun event! love HF <3

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