• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy

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[USA] U-Lead impersonating ACP leaders

Warzone, “U-Lead event”– Why hello there, Army of Club Penguin! On October 21, our US division re-logged onto CPA Battleground on Warzone for an event that you led while dressing up as past ACP leaders such as Slider, Boomer20, and Koloway. This event occurred 30 minutes after our raid against IW. We stayed in Town for the whole duration of the event. Huge thanks to the staff team for organizing this event. Unfortunately, we do not have any pictures of the event, besides the size picture of 13 penguins online.

Max size: 13

You guys did a great job in leading this event! Make sure to keep an eye out for upcoming events in our discord server!


ACP Major General & Shamrock Reporter

[US] Clover Defenders Pass Drivers’ Test

Klondike, “Drivers’ Test” – What’s good Army of Club Penguin? Today, our US Division logged on to CPA Battleground to put our road skills to the test! We started off in town where we warmed up prior to our drivers’ test. After warmups, we moved to the Stadium where we showed off our driving skills and received the word that we passed our drivers’ test from Advisor Mchappy! This fantastic event was led by Major General Calgocubs with assistance from Brigadier General powerprimate.

Max: 13

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[US] Clover Defenders Turn Into Kiwi Loaves

Ice Breaker, “Kiwi Loaf” – Welcome back Army of Club Penguin! Today, our US Division logged on to CPA Battleground to learn how to become Kiwi Loaves. Prior to our lesson, we did warmup tactics in the Town, where we stayed throughout the entire event. After warmups, we did three separate loaves in various angles to achieve the height of loaf perfection! Our Generals, SIDIE9 and shallissa led the loaf lessons while Field General Sebassotoo, Major General Calgocubs, and Brigadier General powerprimate assisted in the art of kiwi loaf-making.

Max: 12

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ICE BREAKER, ‘Practice Battle against IW – Hello ACP! Today the US Division logged on for a practice battle at CPA Battleground, in Ice Breaker Town. We had a max size of 5 troops! We started out with warm-up tactics in the Town. We did lots of emotes and word tactics. We then moved to the Iceberg. After that, we moved to the Stadium to score to goals on the IW! To finish the battle we moved to the snowforts. Keep up the good work ACP, let’s get bigger and better together!

Maximum Size – 5

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WARZONE, ‘GOOOOOL!‘ – Hello ACP! Today the US Division logged on for our football/soccer event at CPA Battleground, in Warzone Town. We had a max size of 8 troops! We started out with warm-up tactics in the Town. We did lots of emotes and word tactics. We then moved to the Stadium to get some goals at a really icy looking pitch. After that, we moved to the Cove to relax at the beach after a really good match! Keep up the good work ACP, let’s get bigger and better together!

Maximum Size-8

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[US] Clover Pizza

Ascent,”Clover Pizza”– Hello ACP! Today, the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our clover pizza event, we delivered pizzas to hungry penguins around the island and made good profits. We reached a maximum size of 12 troops online. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 12

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[US] Ninja Journey

Ascent,”Ninja Journey”– Hello ACP! Today, the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our ninja journey event! We reached a maximum size of 12 troops and had a lot of fun training to become a ninja. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 12

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[US] St. Patrick’s Day

ASCENT, ‘St. Patrick’s Day – Hello ACP! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! Today the US Division logged on for our event at Club Penguin Rewritten, in Ascent Town. We had a max size of 18 troops! We started out with warm-up tactics in the Town. We did lots of emotes and word tactics. We then moved to the Stadium to throw clovers everywhere. After that, we moved to the Docks to find the golden pot at the end of the rainbow! Keep up the good work ACP, let’s get bigger and better together!

Maximum Size-18

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[US] March Madness Training + Battle With TCP

Ascent,”March Madness Training”– Hello ACP! Today, the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our battle March Madness training! We reached a maximum size of 14 troops online and had a fun time preparing for March Madness. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 14

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[US] Cooking Contest

Ascent,”Cooking Contest”– Hello ACP Today, the Clover Empire’s US division logged onto CP Rewritten for our cooking contest! We reached a maximum size of 12 troops and had a lot of fun cooking. Make sure to take a look at the pictures from the event today!

Maximum size – 12

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