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[AUSIA] Snowball Fight Civil War!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: First Snow” – Morning ACP! On Friday, 3rd February, our AUSIA division logged onto Club Penguin Battleground for an intense snowball fight between the Echo and the Alpha divisions while adding Shiver to the DRACP. The soldiers wore Blizzard Helmets, Icy Masks, Coat of Frost, Glacial Sandals, and Snow Shurikens. The event was commanded by Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs and Generals, Alucard and AustinFraud displaying extraordinary teamwork throughout the event.

We kicked it off at Inside Mine where we took up an Upside Down T Formation, an excellent X Formation, and perfected the Anchor Formation. Later on, we moved to Snow Forts where the intense snowball battle between Echo and Alpha took place. There were high tensions between the divisions but in the end everyone group-hugged and stayed united. We were able to peak 22 soldiers at the event! Huge shoutout to Nell for judging the battle and another big shoutout to Alucard and Calgocubs for VC leading the event.

Max Size: 22

Max Size Picture:

Event Tactics Pictures:

Room 1: Inside Mine

Room 2: Snow Forts

Judge’s Ruling:

Thank you Nell once again for judging the invasion!

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • Alemax
  • Alucard
  • AOLInstantManager
  • Aurora67
  • AustinFraud
  • BlossomBel
  • Cactus-Overlord
  • Cubster
  • Destiny-
  • Doctor flower
  • geneysis
  • Honey._.Bee!
  • JoshACP
  • MaddieCW3
  • mcdonalds
  • Nyoooooom✯✯✯✯✯
  • Shane
  • Simon el de los asados xD
  • Snowy
  • Nσα [Visitor]
  • Desireus [HF Ally]
  • Thuanthaijo [HF Ally]
  • Spinister [PIC Ally]

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list.

Thank you to everyone for attending the Snowball Fight event. Can’t wait to see you at our next event!

March on AUSIA!


ACP General & AUSIA Division Commander

[UK/US] Xat Typerace – Results!

Hey there ACP!

Today we hosted a typing race between our divisions on the ACP Xat Chat and managed to see over 20 people in the chatroom.

As for the results:

Alpha wins 17 rounds while Echo wins 14 rounds. This awards Alpha with 2 points and Echo with 1 updating the war score to :echo: 7 – 4 :alpha:

Continue reading

ACP Civil War: A Busy Break Day (Day 5 Recap)


MAMMOTH, Army of Club Penguin Capital – 24th December 1914. The Christmas truce saw an unofficial ceasefire between all armies on the Western Front, in which soldiers from France, Germany, Russia, Austria, and UK all came together to play football, exchange gifts and sing carols, before returning to all out war on the 27th. 
Break day was supposed to be that for us – an unofficial truce between Alpha and Echo, to enjoy games together – but war quickly broke out between the two divisions – this time, on a battlefield other than Club Penguin.

On 17th September, 2020, the Army of Club Penguin announced a break from all the battling, scheduling an array of games for both sides to take a break. However, in true competitive spirit, the Alphas and Echoes challenged each other to prove mastery over these games.
Game Challenge: Hardcore Cart Surfing
Okay but seriously, why is this mode called cart surfing? Where’s the water? The Alphas showed domination once again in this minigame, Chek proved his mastery over bootleg Temple Run with an insane score of 295350.
Chek‘s 1st place submission
2nd place: Mizzy, with a score of 91810

3rd place: Sawfishpro, with a score of 82000

War Score: 86

AUSIA: Agar.io
The Alphas continued their winning streak in games, literally engulfing the Echoes in a game of Agar.io, in which Chungus brought home the victory for the Alphas.

War Score: 87

UK: The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword (Skribbl.io)

In the ultimate test of drawing and guessing, a close match between the Alphas and the Echoes saw Yas (a traitor to the Echoes!!) come out on top, with Lily and Kimi coming close at 2nd and 3rd place.
War Score: 88

US: Queer Eye – A Fashion Show
Putting down the Viking Helmets, and removing the war gear for the day, the Echoes and Alphas went into a flurry of closet changes, in an attempt to win “best outfit” in multiple categories.
Category 1: Back to School 
Winner: Daniel

Category 2: A Day at the Beach

Winner: Yasmini
Category 3: Over the Rainbow
Winner: Kailey310

Category 4: Historical

Winner: Lily
Category 5: Division Pride
Winner: Chungus
And with a score of 32, the Echoes have been deemed the overall victors of the fashion show!
War Score: 98

We began today with a war score of 8-5 – but the Alpha proved their mastery over games today, catching up to an extremely close war score of 9-8 to the Echoes. With the Civil War continuing to rage on, will the Alphas eventually be able to pull ahead with their skills in games? Or will the Echoes eventually take home the victory?

Shamrock Bulletin Producer 
i just realized i can rank myself 

ACP Civil War: Days Three and Four Recap


MAMMOTH, Army of Club Penguin Capital – As war continues to wage on between Alpha and Echo, an unexpected turn of events have led to betrayals from both sides. Here, we recap all the battles and competitions between the divisions, and figure out which division is coming out ahead.

Day 3 (AUS): A Race Down Bunny Hill
Tuesday September 15th – Alpha and Echo took it to the AUSIA division to duel it out in the first ever AUSIA branch battle since ACP reopened. Echo hit a max of 19 troops whilst Alpha were not far behind with a max of 17 troops (max ACP = 38). In the first room, Echo were declared victors due to a size advantage, larger formations and faster tactics – but Alphas quickly caught up in terms of sizes in Room 2, covering the Echoes better.
This meant that Sled Racing would determine the victors of this battle – and Echo showed their poweress, with Daniel knocking out Cubby, Enigma knocking out Carmelo in the semifinals. Enigma ultimately won the point for the Echoes, leading to the war score of:
Day 3 (US): The Battle of Forms

Later on the day, the Alphas faced off once more against the Echoes in ACP’s first ever formation battle (max ACP: 41). With the final score literally neck in neck: 12-12, the Alphas eventually came out ahead by winning the tie breaker, taking home 2 points for their team.
Score: 53
Dough not mess with me: A Pizza making contest

With troops starving from all the battling, we all needed some  to regain strength – and so we put Alpha and Echo troops to the test in a Pizzatron contest. The winning team would win 1 point for their team.
1st place: Sawfishpro with his perfect pizzatron score
2nd place: Enigma
3rd place: Cuboid
The Alphas showed mastery over the elements of pizza making, winning this contest.
War Score: 54

Day 4: A Throwback to ’06

In an unexpected turn of events, Echo general Kailey, alongside 3 moderators, organized a betrayal against the Echoes – stating Max’s dominance over all aspects of event leading, as well as his obsession over Koloway to be the reason. (seems like max’s going to be the next sirplus )

With this sudden turn of events, the UK division faced off in an OG CPA style battle, where both sides attempted to assert dominance with snowball throwing skills…

With the Echoes peaking at 18 troops, and the Alphas peaking at 16 (max ACP: 37), the battle was eventually declared a TIE.

War Score: 65
Dissatisfied with the result of a tie, the Echoes challenged the Alphas once more to another OG CPA style duel This time, with Echoes peaking at 18 once more, and alphas peaking at 12 (Max ACP: 34), the Echoes took home the victory.

War Score: 85
With 4 days of Civil War underway, the Alphas have shown dominance in games whilst the Echoes have generally managed to keep their sizes up. Who will eventually be crowned the victorious division?

Shamrock Bulletin Reporter-in-training
got demoted by Kailey for “bias” against bagged milk in last post 
Still ACP Leader though

[US] Alpha vs. Echo Formation Battle – Results

The ACP Divisions Alpha and Echo faced off in today’s formation battle with Alpha taking the win and making the score 4 -2-1 (E-A-T)!

Max: 41

Congrats Alpha and good job to Echo. Let us see how the civil war will continue. Be sure to react in #civil-war-schedule if you can make any of the two battles!
ACP Major General and Member of the Cooler Branch

ACP Civil War: Day One and Two Recap

MAMMOTH, Army of Club Penguin Capital – Amid recent rising tensions between the Alpha and Echo divisions, the Army of Club Penguin has been thrown conflict with the recent civil war. Read on to find out more about what happened in the first 2 days since the respective declarations.

On Saturday, September 12th, 2020, what initially began as a “Marvel takeover” event quickly devolved into an all out conflict. With troops in disarray and chat thrown into chaos, Max, in true Marvel: Civil War fashion, quickly declared war against the Alphas, stating reasons such as the Alpha’s bad tactics. Alpha quickly retaliated with a response, pointing out how Kailey has been parading “bagged milk” (As a fellow Echo, I must say that I too am appalled to hear such atrocities being committed by an Echo – milk, quite simply, doesn’t belong in bags.). With this, ACP was now officially at war.

This just shouldn’t be allowed.

Day 1: The First Battle
On Sunday September 13th, just one day after the declarations, the Alphas and Echoes faced off in the first battle of their civil war. Echo peaked 33 troops whilst Alpha peaked 22 troops – due to Echo’s size advantage (ACP + Echo + Alpha = 56), they won room 1 and 2, leading to the first Echo victory of the war.
War Score: 2-0-0 (E-A-T)
Day 2: The Find Four Dilemma (w/ Silver Empire)

Alpha and Echo faced off once more on the 14th of September – this time, with guests Silver Empire challenging the Alpha vs. Echo poweress. Echo dominated once again with a size advantage, peaking at 30 troops. Alpha put up a good fight in terms of smart formations and tactics, albeit only peaking at 18 troops (ACP + Alpha + Echo = 54). This led to the first 2 rooms to be declared an Echo victory.
However, the Alphas showed the Echoes that even with a size disadvantage, that they would be Alphas in terms of Find Four skill. With Tymatt making it to the finals, he won the Find Four aspect between Alpha and Echo, albeit losing to Ryan from SE in the end.
The Echoes, winning the 2 rooms, were awarded 2 points; Tymatt, upon making it to the finals, received 2 points for Alpha, making the Find Four battle an official Tie.
War Score: 2-0-1

The first two days saw good fights from both sides – despite the Echo seemingly having a size advantage, the Alphas have shown tenacity in terms of their tactics as well as intellect. Will the apparent underdogs, the Alphas, be able to climb their way up to the top? Or will the Echoes continue to dominate?
Real life pictures of Alpha battling Echoes

This report is sponsored by #ECHO
Shamrock Bulletin Reporter
ACP Leader