[UK] Clovers Celebrate being the Number One Army of 2023!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, ACP Top Army of 2023 Ceremony– Good evening ACP! Yesterday on January 17,2024, our UK division logged to celebrate being the number one army of 2023 in the Top Ten of the Year. For the first time in 17 years, the Army of CP took home and earned the top spot among the Top Ten Armies of the Year, making this moment extremely special. We all gathered to celebrate in the Town and then marched with the victory flag to the Stadium and Cove. The event saw its end when Commander-In-Chief, AustinFraud made his speech on the event stage. Former Commander-In-Chief, Calgocubs also shared his speech and an amazing trophy for achieving number one in the Top Ten armies of the year. Thanks to our troops and leaders we were able to celebrate this! Thank you everyone for attending the event. I hope to see you at the next event soon. ACP will get that number-one spot in 2024 too!

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ACP Sweeps At The Winter Awards 2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Over the weekend, Club Penguin Armies hosted their annual Winter Gala. Alongside this, we saw awards being given out to both individuals and armies. But who won these awards? We will dive into each of the award winners in the post.

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[UK] Overjoyed Trick or Treat Trials Medal Ceremony

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Operation: ToT Medal Ceremony– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, November 4th our, UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a chaotic but exciting medal ceremony that EVERYONE was looking forward to! Everyone was excited with their medals because it was a sign of our happiness, joy, and victory. Our medals represent highs and lows. This was one of our highs. We maxed 31 with every single troop active and gaining their medals. Thank you to Zoomey, Austinfraud, and Coolguy for awesome leadership and always being funny. This was one of our cleanest Medal Ceremonies YET! We love to see the enthusiasm and ACP spirit in our troops!

A true memory between ACP!

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[USA] Birthday Week Closing Ceremony

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Operation: Closing Ceremony – Good evening ACP! On Saturday, September 30th, our USA division logged onto CPABattleground in Battleground for an unscheduled closing ceremony for the end of the birthday week celebrating the 17th anniversary of ACP with our loyal troops!

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