Thanksgiving Word Search

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Yesterday, on Tuesday, November 21st, the Army of Club Penguin‘s USA Division word search-themed break day event where troops were tasked with trying to find all of the words hidden in the word search. There were a few participants but there could only be one winner. Let’s find out who it was and how they solved the word search. Did you find them all?

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ACP Themed Kahoot [BREAK DAY]

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CPJourney Meetup Break Day Event 10/3/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Operation: SUS”– Good afternoon ACP! On Tuesday, October 3rd, we logged on to the game CPJourney for our Break Day Meetup event to find some cool secret stamps and check out the Fall Fair Party! I hope everyone enjoyed it & thanks for coming.

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Gartic Phone Break Day Event 09/14/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Break Day Event: Gartic Phone”– Good evening ACP! On Thursday, September 14th, we had an entertaining and funny gaming event playing Gartic Phone with our soldiers and staff. We played for 4 rounds and everyone had lots of fun and good laughs! It’s worth checking out the event pictures below for some funny, weird, and controversial prompts and drawings from our troops and people participating!

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CPJourney Meetup Break Day Event 09/12/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Operation: CPJourney News Party Meetup”– Good evening ACP! On Tuesday, September 12th, we logged onto CP Journey on Blizzard for a fun/relaxed Shamrock Meetup for our Shamrock Bulletin theme week! We played on Club penguin Journey, a pretty cool CPPS that is extremely underrated. I had a lot of fun & I hope you guys did too. This was our first ever “event” on CPJourney and we hope to have a full-scale official event here soon! Huge shoutout to Amman, the CPPS owner for cooperating with us to make this event run smoothly!

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Shamrock Bulletin 10,000 Post Theme Week

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – From 2007 to the present, the Shamrock Bulletin has continued to produce posts, being at the centre of the Army of Club Penguin. Finally, the Bulletin has surpassed its 10 thousandth post and succeeded in breaking the record for most posts in a single month with 108+ post published last month in August. This post was intended to be the 10,000th to be posted on ‘thearmyofcp’ website, but, of course, in ACP fashion, a huge tournament victory and a record-breaking lengthy war took priority. Regardless, we aim to celebrate this momentous occasion and this post will outline just how we plan to do so.

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Anime Night Break Day Event 09/04/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Operation: Shibuya Commence”– Good morning ACP! On Monday, September 4th, we held our first Anime Night of the month of September. What better way to start our week, than with watching Anime, and being the 6th episode of the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, meaning the first episode of the Shibuya Arc! Slowly getting more people, we had 3 people watching alongside me. We surely had fun watching together. Huge thanks to Austin, Calgo, and Kimi for sticking around!

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Mafia Night Break Day Event 08/31/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Break Day Event: Mafia Night– Good afternoon, ACP! On Thursday, August 31st, we had a fun break day event playing Mafia Bot with our soldiers before our Legends Cup Victory March event. Although we didn’t have that many come for the mafia night per usual, we managed to have lots of fun with our troops and staff with a couple rounds of the game!

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Anime Night Break Day Event 08/29/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS, “Curse’s Induction”– Hello ACP! Yesterday, on Tuesday, August 29th, we hosted our first Anime Night in a while, after the ending of Demon Slayer season 3 in April, and our second break day event after the war with EGCP. To keep us busy in this break day, we met in Stage VC to watch the first episode of the anticipated second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. Even though we didn’t get many people, we had fun watching together. Huge thanks to Austin and Calgo for sticking around the whole time!

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Continue reading Break Day Event 08/28/2023

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

SNOW FORTS “Operation: Skribble Game Night” – Hello ACP! On Monday August 28th, Army of Club Penguin hosted their first game night since the war vs EGCP (Elite Guardians)! The first event hosted was a game night where we had an entertaining two rounds of compeitive fun! It was really entertaining and we enjoyed every second of it. Congratuations to our winners Caitlin and Unkn0wn and special shoutout to Heybruh who also did an amazing job but unfortunately disconnected during the first round.

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