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    ~ Roxy & Daniel

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  • Recent Posts

CPLegacy Secrets: Furniture Catalog (September 2023)

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there, ACP! In one of Club Penguin Legacy’s most recent updates, they released new Furniture and Igloo Catalogs for the month of September. In this post, we’ll be going through the secrets that are contained inside! Let’s get started!

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CPJourney Tutorials: How to Find the Ice Pond Room

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hello ACP! Today I will be showing you three simple steps to enter one of the secret rooms in CPJourney, the Ice Pond room. This room features two games ready for you to play. Let’s get into it!

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CP Rewritten: February 2021 Plans Announced


BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In continuation of Club Penguin Rewritten’s transition to HTML5 following the death of Flash, we take a look at their upcoming plans for February. Continue reading

Club Penguin Blog – Penguin of the Week: Lhasapinky @clubpenguin

Hey guys!

Today Club Penguin picked the new POTW (Penguin of The Week) who was nominated by Green N Cool so special shout out from the Army of Club Penguin to Lhasapinky for receiving the POTW. And here is a copy of Megg’s (CP moderator/blogger) post.



Hi, penguins!

Lhasapinky was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by Green N Cool!

Here is their nomination:

“Hello, Megg. I would like to nominate Lhasapinky for Penguin Of The Week. I’ve noticed that she has put so much effort into role playing with other players online. She comes across as a really friendly and kind player who has dedicated her time to make other players smile. Thank you.”




Congrats, Lhasapinky!

Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background.

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team


Make sure to keep checking in for more Club Penguin updates and more. And congratz to the new POTW for receiving 10,ooo coins and the POTW background!

Waddle on!



No New puffles or CJ Shadow ??? [MUST SEE]

Thanks to Nico for providing the pictures. Megg has recently said there will be “No new puffles this year” and also said there will be “no Card-Jitsu Shadow” Check it out.

No New Puffles

No Card Jitsu Shadow

So what do you think about Club Penguin not bring any new puffles to the island AND not bring Card-Jitsu Shadow?? Please leave a comment below this post, on any questions or opinion you have! Thanks for reading!

Waddle on!


Megg Reportedly Pushing for a Music Jam in November @clubpenguin

Ever since people heard there was going to be another Frozen Party on Club Penguin, people kept asking to bring back the Music Jam in 2016. Megg has responded, saying she will try to push it into November. Check it out.

So what do you think? Will the Music Jam come back to the Club Penguin island? Leave a comment below, telling what you think about it, and make sure to keep checking in for more Club Penguin updates! Thank you to Bloxorz for providing the picture!

Thanks for reading!


Waddle on!


@ClubPenguin – Project: Super Secret – Happy World Emoji Day! [UPDATE]

Hey guys!

Club Penguin moderator/blogger has posted a update on the Club Penguin blog, about the Project: Super Secret! Come check it out.


Hi penguins,

Did you know that today is World Emoji Day?

And did you also know, that the best part about today is getting to show all of YOU the CP emojis we’re working on?! Well, in my opinion, it’s the best part 😉

What do you think of these new emoji? Are there any other ones you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments!

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team

Fun fact: July 17 was chosen for World Emoji Day because it’s the day that’s shown on the Apple calendar emoji! Pretty cool, right?


Make sure to keep checking in for more Club Penguin updates!

