Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 19

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day, a new item is revealed. For December 19th, they have released the Jingle Apron. In this post, we will go through how you can find and receive this apron!

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Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 18

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day, a new item is revealed. For December 18th, they have released the Jolly Holly Wreath necklace. In this post, we will go through how you can find and receive this necklace!

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Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 17

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day, a new item is revealed. For December 17th, they have released the Penguin Stuffie Costume. In this post, we will go through how you can find and receive this costume!

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Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 16

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day, a new item is revealed. For December 16th, they have released the Festive Fluffy hat. In this post, we will go through how you can find and receive this hat!

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Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 15

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day, a new item is revealed. For December 15th, we get the Holiday Teddy. In this post, we will go through how you can find and receive this teddy!

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Club Penguin Journey Cheats: Advent Calendar Day 14

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Journey has released an Advent Calendar for the festive season. Every day a new item is revealed. For today, we get the Gift Costume. In this post, we will detail where to find it and how to receive it!

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Thanksgiving Word Search

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Yesterday, on Tuesday, November 21st, the Army of Club Penguin‘s USA Division word search-themed break day event where troops were tasked with trying to find all of the words hidden in the word search. There were a few participants but there could only be one winner. Let’s find out who it was and how they solved the word search. Did you find them all?

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Live, Laugh, Love: Zoomey’s Journey

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Blizzard, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Army of Club Penguin has one of the most prevalent communities in armies. Within that community, ACP has a large amount of LGBTQ+ members with their own journies and experiences yet to be told. In this article, we will ask a member to share their own story and experiences outside of CPA.

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[AUSIA] Survey Corps Escape The Rumbling

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Survey Corps Camp– Good evening ACP! Yesterday on Friday, November 10th, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground for an Attack On Titan-inspired event, led by Alemax! …Wait! What’s happening?


To all subjects of ACP:
My name is Eren Yeager. The Army of Club Penguin was a 15 year-long social experiment conducted by several U.S. Government agencies in the long time it has been running. I have been tasked with informing you all of the news. We will be releasing a debriefing shortly to the public, in which we will detail all of the data we have retrieved and what these studies have shown us. Thank you for being a part of our research, and you all will be compensated as such. The form to request payment will go live shortly. Again, we would like to thank you for your participation in our studies. You have helped us revolutionize the way we understand online communities and the relationships, hardships, and memories that come with.

Well, that was weird. Anyways, we all met in Town, waiting to gather a maximum of 30 people, before moving to our first room, the Forest. After some time we moved to the second and final room of the event, the Snow Forts. We did Attack on Titan-inspired tactics, and most importantly, we escaped the rumbling. Thank you to everyone who attended and a huge shoutout to Alemax for leading yesterday’s event!

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Murder Mystery #3

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome back to Murder Mystery! Another person has been murdered and the previous killer has been caught! Will you be able to find out who the new murderer is?

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