[USA] Last Minute Battle vs. POM

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Unscheduled Event”– Good morning ACP! On Saturday, April 29th our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in BATTLEGROUND for a practice battle with Penguins of Madagascar! We met at Town and shortly after switched to inside of Mines, the first room, then Snow Forts, the 2nd room, finally we arrived at Stadium where it ended. All 32 troops were able to make it to this event, and successful leading from Calgocubs21 and Mads! Through great dedication we were able to pull through. Thank you Mads and Calgocubs21, we appreciate you for leading us!

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[AUSIA] Team Delta vs. Plok Rematch

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Delta DIvision Accelerated”– Good afternoon ACP! On Wednesday, February 22nd, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an event with our Delta Division, where we invaded Aurora and prepared for a rematch battle against the evil, annoying , and ACP’s greatest enemy Plok. This event was also an accelerated tactics event where we practiced high-speed tactics. We met in Town, before proceeding onto 3 other rooms throughout the event while disguised as an Orange puffle similar to Plok. We first went to the Book Room for our invasion of Aurora which was judged by Spinister. We then went to Town again and finished off at the Docks where we battled Calgo who was actually Plok. In the end, we managed to max a good amount of 18 penguins online. So proud of y’all, thanks to everyone that attended and shoutout to Spinister for judging the invasion!

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