UK Amazing U-Lead

Greetings, ACP. Today, UK, logged onto Breeze where we had a pretty decent U-lead. We managed to max 25 which is one off what AUSIA got which seeing as our aim was to max the same as  what AUSIA did today is pretty good in my opinion. Well done to everyone who led and helped hype the event especially Flor. Carry on reading for pictures (If you pced me pictures there’s a good chance I didn’t put them on seeing as I got over forty pictures..) provided by Lewis, I, Aero, Flor, Bam and Orange.

21st december uk 11

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UK Tactic Session

Important Posts:

Greetings, ACPToday, UK, maxed seventeen! I’d just like to mention that first because it’s been a pretty long time since UK has maxed seventeen on Breeze so fabulous effort today UK! Also, thank you for Zoomey for taking over when I was  occupied with throwing up (fun times).  We logged onto Breeze as mentioned before and had a tactic session in Town. Continue reading for pictures provided by I and Elsa.

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UK Mining Expedition + Training

Important Posts:

Hello, ACP. Today, the UK force, logged onto White Out for a mining expedition where we started out in Town gathering sizes and maxed fifteen after ten minutes we switched to Ice Berg where we finished off with a training session. Continue reading for pictures (lots of pictures) provided by I, Sonic, Elsa and Alb.

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Events for the week 2nd November to 8th November



:!:[UK] Mining Expedition  ❗

When: 5th September

Server: TBA


8:00PM GMT

3:00PM EST

2:00PM CST

1:00PM MST

12:00PM PST

:!:[US]Mining Expedition ❗ 

When: 5th November

Server: TBA


7:00PM EST

6:00PM CST

 5:00PM MST

4:00PM PST

2:00 AM GMT


:!:[UK] Games Night  ❗

When: 6th September

Server: Breeze


8:00PM GMT

3:00PM EST

2:00PM CST

1:00PM MST

12:00PM PST

!:[US]Games Night ❗ 

When: 6th November

Server: Breeze


7:00PM EST

6:00PM CST

 5:00PM MST

4:00PM PST

2:00 AM GMT


:!:[UK] Practice battle with _  ❗

When: 7th November

Server: TBA

Times: TBA

:!:[US] Training Session ❗ 

When: 7th November

Server: Breeze


7:00PM EST

6:00PM CST

 5:00PM MST

4:00PM PST

2:00 AM GMT

Make sure to comment on any events that you can attend.

US Unscheduled Training Session 1/4/2015

Important Posts:

Hello ACP, Today we had an Unscheduled Training session on our capital, Breeze. We maxed 15 and averaged 12. If you would like to read the rest of this post please press the Read more button.

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[AUSIA] Defense of Ice Box

Greetings ACP!

Although I don’t have any pictures, we were able to defend from the unappealing LT, it was a pretty awesome battle, and we were able to get 15 on CP and defend Ice Box. 1 medal if you made it!

ignore this post (dont read more, seriously)


if you read more you’ll lag to death SO DONT DO IT Continue reading

[AUSIA] Practice Battle against RF

Greetings ACP!

Tonight the AUSIA division scheduled a PB against RF, who didn’t show up… So we recruited for a whlie instead. We were able to garner 39 on CP and had awesome tactics, almost perfect! 2 medals if you came! Here’s the results:







Commander in Chief

Weekend Events (MUST COME)

Greetings ACP!

Weekend events are the biggest events of the week! Try your best to attend them all! Expecting to hit 30+ at all events! Remember to comment if you can come!

Sunday 17th August


Event type: Training/ Tactics

Times:  12:00 am UK // 7:00 am EST // 6:00 am CST // 5:00 am MST // 4:00 am PST // 8:00 pm JST // 4:30 pm IST 

Server: Breeze

Room: Town



Recruiting Session

Server: TBA

Times: 8:00pm UK // 3:00pm EST // 2:00pm CST // 1:00pm MST // 12:00pm PST


US Break, attend UK event!

Comment if you can come!


Commander in Chief

[AUSIA] Practice Battle against Celts

Greetings ACP!

Tonight we battled the Celts who weren’t exactly a good show. So we battled some rogues instead, however we won against them! We were able to get around 30 on CP and had pretty awesome tactics. You receive three medals if you came! Here’s the results:



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