[USA] Alpha Unites for Capital Patrol

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “Operation: Alpha Mammoth Patrol”– Good afternoon ACP! On Saturday, July 15th, our USA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground to patrol on Mammoth, our capital server. We gathered in the Forest wearing our Alpha Division uniforms.

Max Size: 20

Max Size Picture:

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[US] Alpha & Echo Clash! – [RESULTS]

ICE BREAKER, “Alpha vs. Echo Battle” – Hello, ACP! On August 6th, the USA division logged onto CPA Battleground, in Ice Breaker Town for an intense rematch battle between the Alpha and Echo divisions. Historically there has been a long-time rivalry between both Red (Alpha) and Blue (Echo) teams. To settle this ongoing rivalry both divisions duked it out in three separate rooms starting in Town, moving to Stadium, and ending on Iceberg. Both sides endured many snowballs that were thrown back and forth, and we reached a max size of 7 troops online! Ultimately though the winner of this battle was *DRUM ROLE PLEASE* … TEAM ALPHA!

Max Size: 7

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[EUSIA] Battle of Frosty vs. Rudolph

ASCENT, “Christmas Eve Branch Battle” – Merry Christmas Eve, ACP! Today, the Clover Penguins decided to have a Christmas branch battle between the branch teams of Frosty Rudolph, Zeus was leading Frosty while Roxy & Chek were leading Rudolph. Congraulations to both teams for winning the branch battle, and we reached a maximum size of 22 penguins. I would like to thank every troop who attended, we had lots of fun, and congratulations to those who earned the medal of Winter War. I would also like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas Eve, and make sure to take a look at the battle pictures! 


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ACP History: The Legendary Gamma Division

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Gamma Division, or Gamma Brigade, is one of the Army of CP’s original divisions formed in 2008. 11 years on from its shutdown, it’s returned to the ACP once more.

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[UK] Alpha and Echo VS. Team Water And Team Fire – Results!

Hey ACP!

Today our UK Echo and Alpha divisions logged on to Ascent, CPRewritten for a fun branch battle with the Team Water and Team Fire of our amazing allies, Help Force! We had lots of red and blue related tactics, awesome formations, and we definitely had a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who attended.

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[UK] Branch Battle: Alpha vs. Echo vs. Red Ravagers – Results!

Hola ACP!

Today we logged on Beanie, on CPR for our fun Branch Battle with our amazing allies, the Red Ravagers! All 3 sides fought hard, but in the end, only one can win the battle. Here are the results:

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