Opinion: Ranking ACP HCOM’s Music Taste

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Music reflects our behavior, our lives, and even how people view us. Therefore, we (Scars, Doopus, and T_T) have chosen to rank the top three artists of the oldest army’s high command, creating the most OBJECTIVE and UNDENIABLE ranking of music tastes ever made.

Disclaimer: This is a completely subjective take on ACP’s music tastes. Furthermore, this does not reflect the entirety of ACP.

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[Satire] Why Sanya is Secretly Santa Claus

Addressed to the Conspiracy Theorists of Club Penguin I mean ACP

Ho ho ho! It is me, Sanya Claus. That’s right! The one and only in the Army of Club Penguin here, addressing you with this post about what I secretly do in the month of December. This year, I’ve decided, after three years of retirement, and a stint in CPA Judging, CPA head moderating, and dealing with a certain individual in a podcast server who has very interesting opinions, to return to ACP! And I am here to explain to you my… secret identity.

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[SATIRE] Meet the ACP Moderators! Part 3

Hey ACP!! It’s your favorite field general Riri here! Today we’re gonna roast meet all the ACP mods and get to know more about them!! Let’s get into it!

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[SATIRE] 5 reasons why u should coup ugly!!

Hi ACP!! riri here! Today i’m gonna give u 5 reasonable and totally amazing reasons on why u should 100% coup our evil leader ugly!!

(totally not writing this in bed at 3am while eating burger king)

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