[URGENT] The Future of ACP & Leadership

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Calgo’s Oval Office – 8 months. That is how long I have been in office as your leader pushing for influential changes that shake up the army community as we know it and putting ACP back at the top where we RIGHTFULLY belong. Rebuilding ACP from the ground up has been quite a long and tiring journey and at the same time one of the most fulfilling jobs that I could ever ask for. It has truly been an honor serving all of you throughout this new era of ACP and today I am here to finally unveil THREE groundbreaking announcements that we have been working behind the scenes on that WILL set solidify our legacy. 16 YEARS IN THE MAKING!

The future of ACP is in your hands …

Part 1: Phase 3

Last summer, Sidie announced Project: Revival which was an intricate plan devised to pull ACP out of its lowest point in CPPS history and put us back on the map as a major contending army. This project was a success in reviving our great army and resulted in us winning the Beach Brawl II S/M tournament as well as reclaiming our major status.

In January, I announced the sequel to our revival project in our Phase 2 plans called Project: Ascent which aimed to have us set new goals beyond just settling for being average and instead aiming to rise to the top as the best army. This project was highly ambitious and brought back many old ACP traditions such as the re-opening of ACPTR in January which resulted in 8 graduates. It has only been four months since this project was announced and since then we have risen to new heights through our tremendous performance in the March Madness Tournament maxing 55, our domination of the Dark Vikings in war, and even setting a new ACP CPPS record for most #1s on the Top Ten under a single leadership.

As such it is time for us to move onto the final phase of my plans and introduce our last and final project under my leadership nicknamed Project: Domination. While revival focused on reviving the army and ascent focused on rising to the top this project will be aimed at total domination and conquering the army community, solidifying ourselves as the best once and for all. As many have seen, each loss has made us stronger and we have been left wanting more, craving more, because we are unsatisfied with what we have achieved thus far. Rather than giving you specifics on our plans for this new project, I will let you draw your own conclusions based off of the next two announcements below…

Part 2: Introducing the Triumvirate

The future of ACP is something that has always kept me up late at night wondering what would happen to ACP if one day I was unable carry out my duty any longer. I have asked myself this question numerous times since taking leader as our future always seemed uncertain and unstable. Today I am seeking to solidify our future and stability.

While I have enjoyed the luxury of being one of the only major army leaders left that has chosen to remain a solo leader in this community, it hasn’t been without its drawbacks. When I first took office as your leader, I was quite stubborn and heavily against co-leading with anyone as I wanted to ensure that my vision for ACP was protected at all costs. I believed strongly that if ACP was to succeed it had to be brought about by my own two hands without anyone to getting in the way. In some way this had some truth to it, but at the same time it was a double edged sword meaning I’d have to do the rebuilding on my own until we got more staff and HCOM.

Pulling all-nighters consecutively became the norm for me as leader to ensure that my vision was carried out as I saw it as a necessity. Not only did this choice take an extreme toll on my health, but once we reached a certain level of growth it started to work against us both in tournaments and wars holding us back from reaching our true potential.

One thing I have learned over the course of this leadership is that one man alone cannot beat another army. We must work as a team and overcome every challenge that we face. That is why over the past several months I have been scouting for future leaders who share the same vision of ACP as I do, who are unsatisfied with the community as it is currently, and who wish to carry on the legacy of the clovers.

That is why it is my great honor as your 49th Commander in Chief to name AustinFraud and Coolguy as your 50th Commander in Chiefs!

I have had the pleasure of working very closely with these two extraordinary individuals and I have been blown away these past months at their commitment to advancing ACP and hunger to win. No longer will we have Divisions that are neglected or timezones where a leader isn’t awake to answer a question or assign duties. Our AUSIA, UK, and USA will continue to be powerhouses on the top ten as they have been this past month because there is no resting until we have conquered the community.

AustinFraud is the King of AUSIA and has led numerous armies such as Athletes, Elites, Dark Champions, and Fire Warriors. Throughout his time since joining ACP in December he has dedicated himself re-building our AUSIA and setting new records breaking my personal record for AUSIA several times. He has become a huge backbone to our staff environment and structure and has aided us in rebuilding and rewriting many of our staff resources. Austin has become a big role model for many of our aspiring troops and has championed mentorship in his own style. In March Madness, Austin was our rock where on the battlefield he either tied or won every single room that he led. ACP is in good hands.

Coolguy is the heart and soul of armies and is a dominant force in the UK Division. If someone approached me and asked me who was most loyal person in this whole army community, I’d say Coolguy without a second of hesitation. Coolguy lead SWAT through both the highs and the lows for three years and always stayed loyal to his army fighting to reach new heights and even attaining the honor of SWAT Army Legend which is no easy task. In his tenor under ACP he has made himself known to all as he fights for what he believes in. He has gone out of his way to relaunch our beloved news organization, Shamrock Bulletin which hit a new high of 41 posts last month as well as aiding us in dominating the top ten stats through his hard work and grit. ACP is in good hands.

What about me? Am I retiring? The answer is hell no. I’m in this for the long haul and as I near my half way mark in my leadership term I’m excited for what we are about to unleash on this community. No one is ready or prepared for what Coolguy, Austin, and I can do when we are united as one.

  • AUSIA Division Leader: AustinFraud
  • UK Division Leader: Coolguy
  • USA Division Leader: Calgocubs21

Part 3: Declaration of War


The Democratic Republic of the Army of Club Penguin hereby declares war on

Special Weapons & Tactics

War Terms:

  1. Neither SWAT nor ACP following this declaration can transfer any servers until the conclusion of the war. The only exception to this rule is if an army forfeits the war and transfers all of their servers to the opposing side (e.g. if SWAT transfers all of their servers to ACP. Refer to rule 8).
  2. This is a one-on-one conflict, and no parties other than ACP and SWAT can declare on either ACP or SWAT for the duration of the conflict. This means that allies are not permitted.
  3. Outside involvement of other armies is not allowed in this war. This means visitors and veterans currently enlisted in other armies may not attend for either side.
  4. All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.
  5. No doxxing, ddosing, botting, multilogging or cheating in any form.
  6. No army is allowed to merge into ACP or SWAT following this declaration and will stay in place until the war has concluded. Any merger will be deemed invalid.
  7. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning force.
  8. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.
  9. Any attempt to exploit loopholes will result in an automatic defeat.
  10. Any evidence of any of these war terms being breached will result in an instant defeat of the opposing side in this war. This cannot be invoked unilaterally, however, and is up to the CPA league administration.
  11. All other CPA League map rules apply for this war.
  12. This war is between ACP on one side and SWAT on the other. As mentioned in rules 2 and 3, no other armies can participate in this conflict either by declaration or attending for ACP or SWAT.

Any breach in the above terms calls for the unconditional surrender of the Special Weapons and Tactics and to the Army of Club Penguin.

[USA] Invasion of Cozy

Tuesday, May 30th

8:00PM EST

[USA] Invasion of Fiesta

Wednesday, May 31st

3:00PM EST

Strike fear into the hearts of your enemy and crush them like the bugs they are …


ACP 49th Commander in Chief

5 Responses

  1. […] In a detailed post published on May 29, Army of Club Penguin leader Calgocubs announced the promotion of two long-time army veterans and ACP high command, Austinfraud and Coolguy to the position of leader. This marks the first time since 2021 that the army will have a triumvirate system, consisting of a trio of leaders. […]

  2. […] to it as the War of Unfinished Business, the Army of Club Penguin declared war on the Special Weapons and Tactics on the 29th of May. Their conflict continues since last year […]

  3. […] co-leader Mabel has also had to endure. The problem is reminiscent of that of ACP leader Calgocubs, who took similar steps to secure his army’s […]

  4. […] Post:No Jokes AllowedBrutality of Penguins: Local Leader Creates Murder BusThe Future of ACP & LeadershipThe Guardian EmeritusAdvice From One Leader to AnotherOn This Day In 2014: April 8th17 Years of […]

  5. […] First place: 17 Years of MemoriesSecond place: Brutality of Penguins: Local Leader Creates Murder BusThird place: The Future of ACP & Leadership […]

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