[USA] Dark Vikings: Army of One

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, “War on Dark Vikings: 4th Battle” – Heya troops! On April 7th, the U.S.A. Division logged on for the fourth battle of the Dark Vikings War. Originally planning to raid our event, six DV troops settled at the Iceberg in preparation. However, after realizing they had a poor max size, they canceled on ACP, and only one DV soldier remained.

ACP prevailed. Within the first ten minutes of announcing the room, 20 troops were circled around the Town. Mads and McDonalds (me!) co-led the event VC, with the occasional pitch-in from Calgo.

For the first room, troops bombed the stadium, where we hit our max size of 24. We managed 3 clean formations and a Z-wipe, meanwhile poking fun at DV’s lack of attendance. The second room was announced as Iceberg, where we went up against one idle DV soldier. AOL led our tactics and captured event & size pics on the side.

Migrating to the Dojo for the last 10 minutes of the event, Mads took over tactics, and Calgo and Alu chimed in with some of their own. This included text bubbles such as “follow us on Twitter @ACPArmy,” and “Calgo robbed a bank, what have you done lately?”

Overall, ACP managed another successful DV War event, with the competition next to non-existent. As we approach our 5th battle this Saturday, be mindful of your attendance and activity in-game, as war medals will be given out to active troops! We appreciate your fighting spirit for this army. It’s your hard work that has brought our score to 4-0-0.

Max Size: 24

Max Size Picture:

Event Tactic Pictures:

Room 1: Stadium

Room 2: Iceberg

Room 3: Dojo

Special shoutout to our loyal troops who attended:

  • Calgo will add this once he catches up on attendance logs

If I missed your name, please message me so I can update the list!

Thank you to everyone that took the time to log on for our 4th battle! We’re counting on you, troops; you’ve never let us down!


ACP Major General

One Response

  1. […] On April 7, ACP troops logged on for our fourth battle of the Dark Vikings battle, to which DV only showed up with one troop. Mcdonalds and I VC led, and I took over tactics for our last room. Read the recap post written by mcdonalds here. […]

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