CRYSTAL, “Operation: Marching On“ – Yesterday, the Clover Penguins CPR’s UK Division logged onto Crystal on CPRewritten for our Operation: Marching On! We started in Town and visited the Stadium, Iceberg, and Inside Mine doing fun tactics and trying new innovative formations out. We had lots of fun, did amazing tactics & formations throughout. Thanks to everyone who came and remember to comment if you came!
Max: 36
Thank you everyone who attended! Remember to react in #events if you can come to the next event as you can earn clovers that you can use for the clover shop! If you attended, comment below and make sure you have received your clovers!
ACP Field General 4ic
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, UK Division | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, clover defenders, clover empire, clover penguins, clover romans, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, green empire, roman helmet cpr, Shamrock Bulletin |
good event – JESUS1_4
i love the army of cp. i will live for the army of cp. acp forever clovers!!!!
I came!