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ACP’s Second Official Pokémon Tournament: Sign Ups and Information

Edit: You must currently be enlisted in ACP or have previously been in ACP to play in the tournament.

Greetings ACP! Yes it is that time again. Pokemon showdown tournament time!! This year is going to be better than the last. Click Continue Reading for the information!

You may be asking, Fluffy, how do I play pokemon for the tournament? Well, I’ll tell you right now! The first thing you need to do is head over to http://pokemonshowdown.com/ and click “Play Online”

Next, you should be at a place that looks like this

Now I want you to click “Choose name” In the far upper right corner of the page. This is where you input a username if you have already signed up previously OR if you haven’t you input a username to use whenever you play. I would like you to use your club penguin name or your name on chat so it is easier to identify you.

Next, once you have chosen a name I want you to head to the left side of the page and press “Team Builder”

After you click team builder, click new team then click “select a format” and look to find the format anything goes. Click that and then press add pokemon . This is where you can choose the pokemon, stats items and moves for your team. you can choose many pokemon HOWEVER they MUST fit with the rules.


  1. Each battle will be in a 6v6 -single battle Anything Goes format battle with VGC 2016 rules and banlist.
  2. The banlist includes the pokemon Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Diancie, and Hoopa (Mega Rayquaza is also banned)
  3. Unique pokemon clause: All pokemon must be different from each other, example: you cannot have 2 dialga’s but you can have one (1) dialga and one (1) Palkia.
  4. Unique item and Endless  battle clause: all items equipped to your pokemon must be different (Soul Dew is banned from use) and you battles will be timed to 15 minutes. If you cannot finish your battle in 15 minutes, both people will forfeit the match and the next person who they would face will get a bye.
  5. All battles will be played on pokemon showdown.
  6. The moves judgement and dark void are banned.

Failure to not follow the rules will result in one (1) warning and a 5 minute pause to fix the problem. If the problem isn’t solved you will forfeit the match and be removed from the tournament.


I will be a judge(and maybe purpleslime4 hopefully). No match will start without a judge watching it.

Misc. Information and Dates

The tournament will have no more than 16 people participating so first comment = first seed second comment = second seed etc. and the tournament will be single- loss elimination.



First place: The Hero power on Xat, temp mod/ owner for a day, 50 xats and a trophy.

Second Place: Temp mod/ owner for half a day and 30 xats.

Third Place: Temp mod/ owner for half a day and 25 xats.

Round 1 of the Pokemon tournament (Best of 16)

Date: Saturday, July 23rd 2016

Time: 3:30pm EST, 8:30pm UK, 2:30pm CST, 1:30pm MST, 12:30pm PST

 The rest of the tournament (Best of 8, 4 then 2)

Date: Saturday, July 30th 2016

Time: 3:30pm EST, 8:30pm UK, 2:30pm CST, 1:30pm MST, 12:30pm PST

Sign up form

Name on Ranks:

Nickname on Pokemon showdown:

Do you agree to all the rules?:

Good Luck and Have fun ACP!

11 Responses

  1. I like pie

  2. Name on Ranks: Fluffyboy3
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: Fluffyboy3
    Do you agree to all the rules?: Yes.

  3. *this is my brother’s thing
    Name on Ranks: I was on the ranks previously, Canada83
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: Mineraider008
    Do you agree to all the rules?: yes

  4. Name on Ranks: uhhh active retiree
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: Purpleslime4
    Do you agree to all the rules?: yup

  5. Name on Ranks: Mikester
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown:M1kester
    Do you agree to all the rules?: ye

  6. Name on Ranks: Superoo13
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: Superoo13
    Do you agree to all the rules?: yes

  7. glof59872/kato

  8. Name on Ranks: Lumarnara

    Nickname on Pokémon showdown: Lumarnara

    Do you agree to the rules?: yes

  9. Name on Ranks: Lumarnara
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: Lumarnara
    Do you agree to all the rules?: Yes

  10. Name on Ranks: Cena

    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: SquirtleSquadVGC

    Do you agree to all the rules?: Yes
    (Just a heads up I won the first tournament so I’m just gonna kick everyone’s ass…. AGAIN)

  11. Name on Ranks: Playing pokemon tournament
    Nickname on Pokemon showdown: kyle103
    Do you agree to all the rules?: Yes

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