Trivia: Double Deck The Halls

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week we had the third edition of the column, where I asked: “who was the first ever ACPTR A+ graduate?“. And the answer was…

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Trivia: ACPTR

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week we had the third edition of the column, where I asked: “Out of all our current allies, which one has been with us the longest?“. And the answer was…

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Trivia: Project Conquest

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Saludos, ACP, and welcome to another week of TRIVIA! A fun column where you can earn rewards! Last week was the first ever edition of the column, where I asked: “What was the name of the tournament the ACP first won since reopening in 2019?“. And the answer was…

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New Column: Trivia!

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – ¡Hola ACP! Welcome to this new Shamrock Bulletin column: Trivia. A fun and easy way to earn rewards! Here is how it’ll work: I give you one question (sometimes maybe more) and you answer it/them in the comments. When commenting, give me your Discord username and put the answer right next to it. If you get it right, you can win rewards. The answer to this week’s question will be posted next week, alongside a new question! Now, on to what we’re here for:

The ACP has always been a force to be reckoned with. With a new tournament starting this week, we take a look into the past and reminisce over our previous victories. Ever since reopening back in 2019, we’ve won several tournaments and have come close to winning many others. What was the name of the tournament the ACP first won since reopening in 2019?

This week’s rewards for answering correctly will be 4 clovers!


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field Marshal

Murder Mystery #5

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ Welcome back to the game that everyone has grown to love, Murder Mystery! A person has been murdered! Will you be able to find out who the murderer is?

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Murder Mystery #3

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Welcome back to Murder Mystery! Another person has been murdered and the previous killer has been caught! Will you be able to find out who the new murderer is?

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CPLegacy Cheats: Trivia Mini-Live Event Guide

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! A brand new CPLegacy live event with exclusive rewards in preparation for the upcoming Card-Jitzu party is taking place this Friday for those who attend either in-game or through their live broadcast on YouTube! Read below for more information.

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NewCP Cheats: Trivia Pin Tracker

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! The next pin, the Trivia pin, has been added to the NewCP island! Join us to see the pin and its location!

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Ten Year Trivia #3


Day 3 takes the lead

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!

World War V is a very important war in ACP history. Here we fought the mighty Night Warriors and the Nachos. During the most important battle we maxed over 100 troops online. What is the name of this battle and who was leader at the time?

Leader Board:

I just realized it is impossible for me to make these things a day early and do a leader board… oops.

Ten Year Trivia #2


Note to UK troops: This post is US biased to due to time scheduling difficulties. To counter this I will make sure all further post are ready a day in advance so UK troops have a chance to answer first. Sorry the inconvenience.

Can you handle day 2?

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


In 2008 the legendary Boomer20 was made the 6th leader of the ACP. His reign would be known as ACP’s “Second Golden Age” to many troops, were we would regularly max over seventy at “small” events. On what day did Boomer20 take the helm of the ACP?

Leader Board:

1st. Sonic (3 points)

2nd. Noka (2 Points)