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    June 2024
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Guess Who? The Active Cat Stealer

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back toooooo, Guess Who? It’s been gone for quite a while and has returned! In this post, we will be listing facts about a member of our staff team and you will need to guess who it is down below in the comments!

This week’s challenge is pretty easy! There’ll be five different facts about this one certain member in the staff team in ACP. You guys will have to comment your answer in the comments by using this format:

Your Discord Username (e.g. Canadianbreadstick)

Your answer: (e.g. Ugly)

Now let’s move on to the five facts about our staff member of this post.

  • Currently 5ic
  • They’re an AUSIA staff member
  • Loves to steal cats
  • Very active with recruiting events
  • Recently got promoted

There we go! Five facts about our chosen staff member have been revealed 👀! Make sure to comment your answers down below using the format given above!

What do YOU think? Do YOU know who the staff member is? Let us know in the comments down below!


ACP General

The Legacy of ACP: The Present & The Future

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Mammoth, ACP Headquarters â€“ Over 4 months ago a new legacy of ACP was announced, introducing myself into leadership and shortly after the retirement of Coolguy. A New Future for ACP was set in stone, and a lot has happened and changed ever since. The Army of Club Penguin today sees major changes for the present and the future, as we step into a new future full of potential and possibilities.

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[USA] ACP Storms CPJ with Frogs Hats

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Froggy Hat Raid – Good evening ACP! Yesterday on Friday, June 21 our USA division logged onto CP Journey in Blizzard for Froggy Hat Raid, we started off the raid in Mine with 26 troops, during this time we used a EH diagonal then later getting into a plus formation, eventually ending with a anchor formation. Going into the 2nd room we spread out and send a few tactics. Thanks to all the troops who attended this event!

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Moment of the Month: May

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[EUSIA] ACP Shamrock Scavenger Hunt

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Scavenger Hunt– Good evening ACP! On Tuesday, June 18th, our EUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for an exciting scavenger hunt! We gathered up in town for 10 minutes before proceeding to the scavenger hunt. Thank you to everyone who attended, I hope you had fun!

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Pride Month Edition: Which incident made you realize that you were part of the LBGTQ+ community?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In celebration of Pride Month, some of the members of Army of Club Penguin as well as their allies and more have come forward to share their first incident that led them into the world of colors!

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[AUSIA] World Cup Round 1: vs. Winged Hussars

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, Around The World Cup First Round – Good evening, ACP! On May 18th, our AUSIA division logged on for the Around the World Cup Tournament with 23 penguins to battle against Winged Hussars. The Army of Club Penguin was successful in the battle with a clean sweep! Both the armies did well and had lots of fun in the battle. We had a total of 3 rooms- Stadium, Ski Village, and Beach. Thank you to everyone who attended! We look forward to seeing you in the finals.

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Moment of the Month: March

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin:

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – March was an exciting month as it marked the arrival of the most awaited tournament- the March Madness. Although our results weren’t the best, we did not fail to do well this month. Without any delay, let’s look into the top three moments of March.

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CPJourney Secrets: Clothing Catalog (April 2024)

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ –  Hey there, ACP! In today’s post we will cover the newly released clothing catalog for the month of April! Stay till the end to find the hidden items.

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On this week: What does March Madness mean to you?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – With March Madness drawing near, let’s delve into the perspectives of Ugly, Cheska, Amelia, Kimi, and Megatron as they share their thoughts on the upcoming tournament!

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