On This Week: Clover Christmas Celebration

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

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On This Week: Christmas Chaos

BLIZZARD – Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – This week, we saw the beginning of Christmas Chaos XIV unfold with ACP successfully proceeding to the Semi Finals. CC is one of the biggest tournaments of the year, and so we reached out to various members (and staff) of ACP to ask their thoughts on the tournament.

This post will contain an exclusive interview from Sergeant Major and last Soldier of The Week Soringel, a new addition to the ACP family and Corporal Sekaa, recently appointed Major General Waddle, Field Marshal Sanya, ACP Legend KingFraud and ACP Legend and CPA Administrator Coolguy.

Let’s find out what they had to say about the Christmas Chaos tournament!

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On This Week: Christmas Countdown

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

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On This Week: Clovers Celebrate Thanksgiving

Adressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Hey ACP! As Thanksgiving rolls around the corner, let’s see what our penguin ancestors did this time last year to celebrate!

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On This Week: Conclusion of Project Conquest: Blood Bowl

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Happy Halloween ACP! We are thrilled to bring you with another edition of the much-anticipated column series, On This Week. The past few weeks saw HUGE achievements and changes within the army, filled with victories, memories and milestones. This period undoubtedly shaped a new beginning for ACP, the dawn of a new age, the age of the Silver Dawn

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On this Week: What does the World Cup Tournament Mean to you?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Finals of the World Cup Tournaments causes a turmoil of emotions within our members. Let’s delve into the perspectives of Saarina, Sad Dinosaur, Kero, Mel, Pumpkin and Kimo as they share their insights on the finals!

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On this week: What does March Madness mean to you?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – With March Madness drawing near, let’s delve into the perspectives of Ugly, Cheska, Amelia, Kimi, and Megatron as they share their thoughts on the upcoming tournament!

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On This Week: The End of Club Penguin?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In the next edition of our Saturday column: On This Week, we take a trip back to this time last year which saw the community become aware of something that may have symbolised the end of Club Penguin altogether. Join us to find out more…

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On This Week: ACP Training Regiments Reforms

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In the next edition of our Saturday column: On This Week, we take a trip back to this time last year which saw the reformation of the Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment.

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On This Week: World War Rewritten Breaks Out

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In the next edition of our Saturday column: On This Week, we take a trip back to this time last year which saw the breakout of one of the most controversial wars in modern armies: World War Rewritten.

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